Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Revealed [HD]

Disappointing considering the quality of 'Spectacualr' and 'Avengers: EMH'
If you're a fan of the Spectacular Spider-man series, approach with caution. I never read the "ultimate" comic books, so my expectations may be misplaced to begin with, but this series seems to be aimed exclusively at the 7-11 year-old segment, whereas SSM was more like 7-50.

Ultimate Spiderman is loaded with trying-too-hard-to-be-funny wisecracks and random cut scenes (ala Family Guy) featuring cutesy caricature skits of Lil' Spidey which come off like a bad Teen Titans rip-off. Despite canceling what I felt was the best adaptation of Peter Parker/Spider-man in the Greg Weisman/Victor Cook series, I thought Marvel would produce something similar to the excellent Avengers EMH series. To my disappointment, it's not a show I'll continue to watch. It has the look of a teen-adult targeted series (e.g. the re-imagining of Doc Ock, etc), but the dialogue is painfully immature. I didn't like the supporting superhero cast (shovelware anyone?), the fact the heroes attend Peter's...

Great potential let down by a lack of subtlety
Let me start by saying that this is not a BAD show. Unfortunately, a comparison between it and its immediate predecessor, the excellent and unfairly curtailed "Spectacular Spider-Man", makes it painfully clear that we've taken a step down in terms of quality.

"Ultimate"'s biggest failing is its lack of subtlety. With Spectacular, the interior monologue of Peter Parker - which I'll admit is a hallmark of the comics - was only heard and never seen. In Ultimate, we're repeatedly asked to suspend watching the story in order to watch Peter's often downright silly thought processes. The result is a surreal and frequently frenetic atmosphere which makes it difficult to take the show seriously. Another problem is the show's humor, which misses the mark far too often. Once again, Spectacular was subtle enough to be truly funny. The jokes in Ultimate are, for the most part, clumsily obvious and wind up detracting from the plot.

That being said, there are some good points...

Ultimate Spider-man in title only
This series biggest sin is not following the framework of the amazing comic book series. There isn't a hint of Brian Michael Bendis in this. That is the worst decision. USM is Bendis. The second worst thing is that there is not enough Peter Parker. The third and final thing is why would you put Spiderman on a team of characters that aren't interesting in the least. I have loved USM from the beginning and this is a bastardization of that great idea. So much potential...waisted.

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When In-Laws Collide

Only bought it bc I missed it when it came on TV. It was ok, cut in and out a couple times but over all it was ok.

Fun, real show!
They truly come across as real people, with real problems on this show. It's fun to see how they resolve them and move forward with life. Even if you don't like the Jonas Brothers band I would highly recommend this show.

"Real" reality t.v.
The "Married to Jonas" series is a refreshing take on reality t.v. It is actually real. The two families involved are obviously very committed to each other and love each other. They have arguments but they also have birthday parties. They mess up but they apologize. It is not like a soap opera. It gives a nice perspective on the Jonas' lives. It is also clean and it doesn't flaunt wealth and fame as the road to happiness.

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Red Crusade

We need more of these...
Living in the US its hard to "get into" an English Premier League club. Every year I tell myself "I'm going to find a club to support this year" and every year I find myself more or less indifferent, and I end up watching relatively little EPL. This documentary is great... it gets you into the spirit of the club, its history, you meet and learn to like or dislike particular players, and you et a sense of the struggles that they go through together. I know that Brendon Rodgers has taken some criticism for the show, but I think its a stoke of genius and a great way to bring new people into the fold.

I would like to see a "Being: [Name here]" every year to give us a background on clubs around England (or the world).

Excellent Show
Excellent behind-the-scenes type show. Does a great job of touching on all aspects of the club, not only the training and game results but the players personal lives, the history of LFC, the business side, etc. Highly recommend!

Solid Show
Such a great show with insights into the business, the game, and the people. Very classy tribute to the 96, and just overall solid production. BR throws out plenty of beautifully quotable lines, as always. I'm looking forward to starting up the season in the episodes to come.

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Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty [Blu-ray]

Bolshoi perfection and opulence with a marked sense of fun.
This production of The Sleeping Beauty was recorded at the Bolshoi in 2011. It differs from other productions in that the choreography, although referring back to Petipa, is largely the inspiration of Yuri Grigorovich. As such one might expect a ballet conceived on a grand scale with an enhanced awareness of the spectacular. This we experience and the effect is one of unparalleled magnificence both in terms of the dancing and in terms of the staging. The recording does all of this proud.

To deal with the sets first: Russian ballet has always been famed for its splendid painted backdrops and this is no exception. The court scene for example shows a domed palace set within a harbour town with wonderfully detailed depictions of ocean-going sailing ships at anchor. In front of this to the side, giving a fine 3D effect, are columns of palatial proportions. There is extensive use made of curtain drops to superimpose different situations throughout the ballet. The whole effect is...

The Grand Palace of Ballet Reopens
This DVD is primarily a celebration of the opening of the newly refurbished and truly majestic Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The disc in HD and Blu-Ray is simply awesome in its presentation. At the outset we see this huge building and then inside this immence space with the redone Royal Box with its gold double eagle of the Romanovs and the masses of gold leaf on all seven tiers of the theater set off by masses of rich red velvet hung everywhere and you are transported back to the grandeur of Czarist Russia. Then the curtain opens and we see the most lavish of productions; beautiful spiral columns and a seaside palace setting with more pillars. (Sleeping Beauty from its premier in January 1890, revival by Diaghilev in 1921 in Paris to Sergeyev's 1939 revival for the old Vic-Wells in London have all been noted for big lavish productions that almost bankrupted each company). I don't know about the funding but this Bolshoi is the grandest most lavish I've witnessed in well over a half...

Wonderful Performance
Another spectacular performance by the Bolshoi. If you enjoy ballet, and enjoy the Russian tradition of excellence from this group, then you shall enjoy this DVD.

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A Very Venture Halloween [HD]

VB -nicely executed feature.
VB has a well thought out story line which keeps me coming back for more. It is the only animated product that can hold my interest as well keeping my guardian duties easier when my nieces and nephews are here.The voice talents are so well geared to each screen character without being distracting or forced.
Amazon's video service is awesome! Apple got to watch out, for I mainly use my iPads (I got alll the versions) on the road and this service seems to be dominating my viewing time.

Really if this show and Archer had a baby...
I do not even know what I would do. Sure would be nice to have a new season start soon. I suppose I shall try to wait it out. Would be nice if this replaced any of the crap shows on Fox animated or otherwise.

Anything Venture Bros I love
Even though it is not the same as the first and second seasons, I do like the Venture Bros still and I am happy that they get to continue with the series.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Young Montalbano: Episodes 4-6

A Series To Die For!!!
Watching this series is like going on a visit to Sicily! With each episode one falls more and more in love with the characters, the settings, the mysteries, the food, the music. In fact, I didn't want the series to end (I think it's addictive--and so much fun!).

The Young Montalbano makes us see why the girls fall for the Old Montalbano--(bullet headed, bowlegged, and utterly charming). In this delightful backstory, set in the imaginary town of Vigata on the sea (I covet his house!!!) we meet the young Commissario, who is still bowlegged and utterly charming, but has a full mop of curly hair, and is heartthrobbingly gorgeous! (Che bellissimo!)

The writers and directors have enhanced the plausibility of the entire story by giving us a real history to the established Montalbano series, introducing us to the younger versions of the denizens of the Questura that keeps a watchful eye on the territory between Vigata and Montelusa: Salvo Montalbano is mentored by...

True To The Original, part 2
Surprise! The actor who plays Montalbano acts exactly as the "real" Montalbano would though 30 years younger. Same impulsiveness, same independence, same loves and hates. I was prepared to be disappointed, but I am in fact quite impressed. You also get to see the "same" cast of assistants --- some much younger, some just starting out, some the sons of the originals. And with the same idiocyncrasies. Thus five stars, just like the originals. If you liked the originals, you'll like these almost as much --- if not more. All that's missing is the incredibly beautiful Ingrid.

Review of Montalbano 4-6
We really enjoyed seeing these episodes, which are as good as the ones with the older Montalbano. It was interesting to see how the young Montalbano started evolving towards his later character, including the introduction of what will be his team.
We hope that there will be many more of these, as well as of the older Montalbano.

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Twisted Christmas: Live in Las Vegas

This is Twisted Sister at there best.
This is a great dvd for people who like twisted sister, and hard rock Christmas music. This dvd contains 8 Christmas songs, as well as twisted sisters greatest hits. This is Twisted sisters second Christmas show on dvd, This 2012 version is much better then the 2007 version. This 2012 concert has great sound, unlike there 2007 Christmas dvd were the sound quilty isn't very good. The best Christmas Concert I have ever seen. I also recommend a Twisted Sister Christmas Cd it contains two songs not included on this dvd.

Just what you expect
If you like Twisted Sister and you like Christmas music, you will like this. If not, you won't like it.

Good but I've seen better shows.
I've been a fan of Twisted Sister since their early days before a record deal when they used to play dives and other small venues. I've seen them live over a dozen times. Their live shows are always great and you never know what to expect. I enjoyed this DVD of a Christmas show in Las Vegas. I only gave it 4 stars because I've seen better shows and didn't care too much for their take on some of the Christmas songs they covered. Otherwise this is a great DVD and show.

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