Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Young Montalbano: Episodes 1-3

To Die For!!!
The Young Montalbano makes us see why the girls fall for the Old Montalbano--(bullet headed, bowlegged, and utterly charming). In this delightful backstory, set in the imaginary town of Vigata on the sea (I covet his house!!!) we meet the young Commissario, who is still bowlegged and utterly charming, but has a full mop of curly hair, and is heartthrobbingly gorgeous! (Che bellissimo!)

The writers and directors have enhanced the plausibility of the entire story by giving us a real history to the established Montalbano series, introducing us to the younger versions of the denizens of the Questura that keeps a watchful eye on the territory between Vigata and Montelusa: Salvo Montalbano is mentored by Fazio's simpatico father; the younger Catarella is as endearingly misbegotten as the older Caterella; young Fazio, straight out of the police academy, is tack-sharp; and lady-killer Mimi Augello, with a full moustache, is full of himself.

We meet the beautiful and...

Sicilian Ecstasy
The Young Montalbano is a prequel to the very popular Detective Montalbano Italian mystery series. The Montalbano shows were originally aired in the United States on the MegaHertDetective Montalbano: Episodes 1-3z Networks in the Washington, D.C. area and quickly built a national cult following. Salvo Montablano is a Sicilian detective who works for the police as opposed to what the Italians call "the flying squad" and he is one of the great characters of detective fiction. Each of the Montalbano's is a movie in itself, with movie quality production in every sense. There is so much to love about these shows - acting, comedy, cinematography, script - that it is hard to know where to begin.

Young Montalbano shows the early years of Detective Montalbano. When the actors in Montalbano became too expensive or weary of their roles, RAI could not think of substituting others. Followers of Montalbano are too...

See my review of The Young Montalbano: Episodes 1-3.
After the jarring experience of seeing Montalbano many years younger and just starting out with his career, I gradually warmed to the performance of this young and extremely talented actor. Indeed, I soon believe I was watching the "real" Montalbano, minus a few years. And even the plot lines follow the same very general pattern, although the plots themselves are --- as in the original series --- rather different. Definitely a five-star series.

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