Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hidden Tunnel [HD]

I stops time to time
1st disk played about two hours, and it stops time to time for 10 minutes. I have not had time to watch 2nd and 3rd disks yet.

Border Wars is excellent in many ways
I enjoy the Law Enforcement side of this program, but I have also learned a lot about the ports, the geography of the regions discussed, and the real reason many immigrants come here. I am pro-border control, but I believe that we must examine why countries like Mexico and those farther south, are so poor that people risk their lives to come work here. Especially since large segments of our population refuse to work, live off the government and whine about how bad life is in the USA. They have no clue.

New Commentator
As always love my Border Wars. There is a new Commentator for this season. He isn't bad but it will take getting use to. I did love the old one.

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