Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Secret to a Strong Back

super, quick efficient
I love the Stott Pilates approach. Moira cues are easy to follow and the exercises are well designed and have a delicious order to them. At the end of the workout, I stall taller and feel energized. My tummy is flatter.

Nice workout with only one or two flaws
I've been on the lookout for good workouts to mix up my morning program. I'm looking for something that gets my heart rate up, is interesting enough to keep me from looking at the clock too much for 30 minutes and is not high impact. If it helps you know what kind of workouts I mean, I have done quite a few Leslie Sansone walking workouts. I really do like those, but if you've done much Leslie, perhaps like me, you sometimes do need a break.

Since I spotted this walking workout I thought I'd give it a try. There is a lot to like here, such as:

--Nice set, pleasant to look at.
--The clothing the participants are wearing is neat, simple and modest.
--The women in the class (and this was a pleasant surprise) appear to be closer to my age...40s? I'm speaking mainly about the two main ladies. The main instructor might even be 50, but she looks great and is inspiring. This is a nice change of pace for a middle-aged woman like me...it's encouraging to see...

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