Wednesday, October 23, 2013

We're Going to Have a Baby

Great value for this little seen show........
The opening credits are on the set, but they play just once when you load the disc before the episode menu comes up. A bad idea, I agree, and something which should be fixed on any feature releases, but the credits aren't really completely missing.

The series was filmed in B/W for the first season, switched to color film for seasons two and three, and then went back to B/W for the final year when it moved to CBS. I guess they weren't as interested in promoting early color TV as NBC was at the time. The color is a bit faded, but not that bad, and I would bet the color schemes were chosen for how they would appear on B/W sets because very few people had color TVs in 1962!

For 39 shows, I'm happy. This show isn't great but I've enjoyed the first few shows so far. It is all new to me since I wasn't born at the time....

I can't stop watching!
To me, Joey Bishop is a true sitcom pioneer. This show reveals how a great troupe of actors can create the foundation of what comedy is today and in many ways how it should be today. Joey and his fellow cast members have the comedic timing and camaraderie that really delivers the laughs. This DVD set not only brings back fond memories but also a youthful perspective I have missed for so many years. This is television without the political correctness that distroys the shows of today. It's even fun watching the cigarette smoking. Bravo Joey and thanks.

Questar gets an "F"
How disappointing to find that, like Questar's release of "Make Room For Daddy", this set truncates the opening credits from each episode. Sorry, Questar....the shows should be in their entirety.

It's rather obvious that, contrary to another reviewer's claim, the deletions of the credits was not due to damaged source material, or both this and the "Make Room For Daddy" wouldn't have the same problem.

Fortunately, I read of this atrocity before purchasing this set. Until I find out that Questar has changed its ways, they will be added to my list of companies from which to NEVER buy.

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