Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lawrence Welk: Christmas Shows

Classic Welk
Just a great trip down memory lane to Christmases of the Past. This DVD is great whether you love Lawrence Welk, OR think he's the corniest thing since tortillas. You're either going to get misty-eyed remembering how Christmases were different when you were a kid (these shows just EXUDE the feeling of the era in which they were made), or you'll sit back, slack-jawed, suspended somewhere between disbelief and uncontrollable laughter. These shows have everything from traditional carols to the way-out Janet Lennon number, "Outer Space Santa", complete with flying saucer. Truly, this is probably one of the most fun Lawrence Welk video items you could possibly get. One minor thing worth emphasizing - as stated in the item description, the 1966 episode is a great "winter" show, but not the actual Christmas show from that year. Hopefully, THAT one will also turn up one day.

First DVD with ACTUAL Welk TV Shows!!!!!!!!!!! Buy It Before IT's GONE!
This dvd features ACTUAL Welk TV Episodes. (THREE TO BE EXACT)... Two are Christmas Shows from 1958-9, and a FANTASTIC WINTER EPISODE from 1966. THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON & one other seller........IT came out in '07. BUY IT BEFORE ITS GONE FOREVER and then you'll have to pay exhorbitant prices for it!!!!. THE DVD ITSELF IS MORE THAN YOU CAN ASK FOR. If you want episodes from the ACTUAL WELK SHOW--NOT THE BRANSON GET TOGETHERS- THEN BUY THIS DVD. Maybe more will follow!!!! May Lawrence Welk and it's fans live forever....... Publishers come up with a dvd including many more Welk episodes---we will buy it!!!!!

Black and White Alert!
I was hoping this might be one of those "restored and colorized" DVD's, but alas, it's in black and white and very grainy. Each show does get a little better though and the third one from 1966 is almost good. But my 96-Year-Old mother, whom I bought it for, doesn't seem to mind, or even notice! So there you have it, the quality of the production is purely in the eye of the beholder. I'm glad I bought it for her because she LOVES it! Likes in particular seeing all the children of the bandmembers and performers at the end of each show.

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