Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty [Blu-ray]

Bolshoi perfection and opulence with a marked sense of fun.
This production of The Sleeping Beauty was recorded at the Bolshoi in 2011. It differs from other productions in that the choreography, although referring back to Petipa, is largely the inspiration of Yuri Grigorovich. As such one might expect a ballet conceived on a grand scale with an enhanced awareness of the spectacular. This we experience and the effect is one of unparalleled magnificence both in terms of the dancing and in terms of the staging. The recording does all of this proud.

To deal with the sets first: Russian ballet has always been famed for its splendid painted backdrops and this is no exception. The court scene for example shows a domed palace set within a harbour town with wonderfully detailed depictions of ocean-going sailing ships at anchor. In front of this to the side, giving a fine 3D effect, are columns of palatial proportions. There is extensive use made of curtain drops to superimpose different situations throughout the ballet. The whole effect is...

The Grand Palace of Ballet Reopens
This DVD is primarily a celebration of the opening of the newly refurbished and truly majestic Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The disc in HD and Blu-Ray is simply awesome in its presentation. At the outset we see this huge building and then inside this immence space with the redone Royal Box with its gold double eagle of the Romanovs and the masses of gold leaf on all seven tiers of the theater set off by masses of rich red velvet hung everywhere and you are transported back to the grandeur of Czarist Russia. Then the curtain opens and we see the most lavish of productions; beautiful spiral columns and a seaside palace setting with more pillars. (Sleeping Beauty from its premier in January 1890, revival by Diaghilev in 1921 in Paris to Sergeyev's 1939 revival for the old Vic-Wells in London have all been noted for big lavish productions that almost bankrupted each company). I don't know about the funding but this Bolshoi is the grandest most lavish I've witnessed in well over a half...

Wonderful Performance
Another spectacular performance by the Bolshoi. If you enjoy ballet, and enjoy the Russian tradition of excellence from this group, then you shall enjoy this DVD.

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