Sunday, October 27, 2013

Humperdinck: Konigskinder [Blu-ray]

A Humperdinck Rarity given a Wondrous Performance
Yes, everyone has heard and seen Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel, and it has become a holiday staple in opera houses around the world. But few, at least in the US, have heard of another work by Humperdinck - Königskinder - that receives a sterling performance here. The opera dates to 1910 and was hailed as the most important new opera since Parsifal. But in the century since, outside German-speaking countries Königskinder is rarely seen on stage.

The story is involved (the opera is 3 hours in length) and flows as follows: Once upon a time a witch cast a spell upon a king's daughter and held her in servitude as a goose-herd. A prince found her in the forest and loved her. She loved him in return, and would gladly have gone away from her sordid surroundings with him, though she had spurned the crown which he had offered her in exchange for her wreath of flowers; but when she escaped from her jailer she found that she could not break the charm which held her...

Best in the field
compare to his other work Hanzel and Gretel, Konigskinder is relatively less known and less performed. In fact when I looked for a dvd, this was the only one. Intended as a family opera it is a fairy tale with witch, prince and princess. But adults can also enjoy for its dark insight on human nature and a nice terrible ending. Recently seen a live performance in Germany with my friend who thought Engelbert Humperdinck was a pop singer, the chance meeting with the opera and this dvd I bought at the venue gave me some useful reference points.

First this is for sure the best of what is out there which is an easy competition since there's only one.
Second, although modernised, this is a coherent, intelligent and beautiful production by reknowned Zurich Opera.
Third, I'd give a higher points on its theatrical level but the musical part was also brilliant.
Fourth, this is surely a much better production than what I saw on the stage for 60 something euro...

A great performance, but do get the blu-ray to avoid missing Act III.
I confess that I am totally unfamiliar with this work. I have considerable difficulty following the story with its biolab setting, which otherwise should be in the forest.
This is one of the famous Zurich knapsack productions of the 21st century. No trace of the Märchenoper, but there are still reminiscents of the Anderson-like folklores, though.
In that sense, this production should not count as a failure, however unlike the original setting.
Certainly, in its most important sense - music wise, this is a first rate performance. Ingo Metzmacher orchestrates the folklore materials in a grandiose manner, and the result is very luxurious to the ears. On top of the rich sounding orchestra, of course we have the 21st century tenor king Jonas Kaufmann performing the title role of the King's son in one of his perfect renditions. Kaufmann covers himself in total glory here, from singing to acting to stage presence, even though only dorned in everyday modern attire...

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