Sunday, October 20, 2013

Alaska's Bigfoot Island [HD]

I like the concept of the show...
I was happy when this program started. Nice to see a creature program that is dedicated only to Bigfoot. Some of the episodes are annoying, ones with the team bickering, but stuff happens you know? I would recommend this to someone who likes Bigfoot info. The program is informative and entertaining, I have seen many episodes and really like it well enough to watch it over and over, it's fun and interesting TV. The kids love this at their sleep overs(Us big kids too!) That last poster needs a happy pill or something I think. No need to tell other people how to spend their $ please.

Really fun
I admit it, I'm a huge fan of the paranormal, but many of the "reality" paranormal shows are just not very well done. Not only is the subject matter fascinating, but this show is well shot and well produced so it's easy to watch. They haven't "found" Bigfoot yet, but the four BFRO members are real characters in their own right, and the locations are beautiful. I wish I had that job!

love this
Finally a series dedicated to Bigfoot. A delightful group of researchers. Love this series. Sadly it is on at ten at night. I guess that it isn't everyone's cup of tea. But I Love it.

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