Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Happy to have these 2 episodes
Just not proud of who's in it. Well, one of the person's at least. The bride. Let's just say I personally know 2 of the people in the 2 episodes I bought since we're related. One I'm VERY proud of, the other, I'm ashamed to say we're related due to her rudeness, ignorance, foul mouth, etc. on the show. Aside from that, I still got the 2 episodes, since I wasn't invited & because no matter what, they're still MY family.

Over the top reality television.
If your in the mood for completely over the top reality television this is a good pick. The show feels somewhat scripted and the brides appear to be performing for the cameras, exaggerated versions of their personalities most likely. A few of the episodes provide some pretty good laughs and surprises. Hard to believe that only one of the couples didn't work out.

Very entertaining
Jeanne,what a witch!!!She makes me appreciate how wonderful my daughter is. You have got to see this. You will be very entertained

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