Monday, October 28, 2013

Andres Segovia in Portrait

My father was friends with Andres Segovia, as well as many other great guitarists of that era - Julian Bream, Carlos Montoya, Jiro Matsuda, Richard Pick, to name a few. When in town performing, these guitarists(donning coattails) would always come back to our house and/or my father's apt.(1950's) after their show. I was only a small child(early 1970's) the last time I saw Segovia, so as an adult, to watch this Dvd, was a real treat for me. I grew up seeing sooo many photographs of him w/ my parents at various events and hearing tons of great(sometimes funny) stories about my father's interactions w/ Segovia & others. It is nice to put a voice to that so familiar face. @ 91, to this day, my father still talks about him. My only disappointment w/ this video(s) is that we don't get to see Segovia play as much on camera as I would have preferred. As I have heard others note, and even a non-player, such as myself can notice, there is a difference in his skills in the latter video, but...

Segovia Still Rocks
Although Segovia was full of himself, he had a right to be. Today's young guitarist are technically far superior, but he could get such a marvelous tone at times. He is a huge historical figure with respect to the classical guitar's acceptance on the concert stage, and to that end, the video has great value.

Words against notes
If my review should focus on specific features of the product and my experience with it: too much speech from Segovia and speaker that I hope instead of music

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