Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sir George Solti: Journey of a Lifetime [Blu-ray]

Interesting take on a remarkable musical genius
I thought the other film on Solti: Georg Solti, the making of a Maestro was better in that it covered more ground and was also very well done, but I enjoyed this very much and the two are somewhat complimentary. This of course is on Blu and thus has a slightly better picture quality. Solti was a remarkable man, one of many musical genii to come out of Hungary's Jewish community, and surely one of the greatest conductors of all time. His recording of Wagner's Ring has never been equalled in artistic terms even if some of the more recent recordings are better recorded. Hopefully The making of a Maestro will also get a Blu-ray release. This is a fine film that gives much insight into Solti the man.

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