Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My Favorite Martian: Season 3

A first for Australia
I live in Australia and believe it or not, we are apparently the first country in the world to have My Favorite Martian - the Third Series (and the FIRST shot in colour) available. It boasts that on the cover but don't worry my American friends - it is in your NTSC TV system - and is ALL region so your players will have no region problems.

I was sweating off to buy a season or My Favorite Martian because I wanted it in colour and kept checking Amazon but no go. Found the set a while back at the local Target but it is around in plenty of other stores here (JB Hifi for example). Full price here in OZ is AUS$69 (about US$60) which is pretty expensive but I managed to buy it for AUS$55 which is still steep but I really wanted it.

Enough of that. What about it.

Well I love it. It is the complete 3rd series (32 episodes) and as an extra includes the orignal unaired pilot episode (1963 BW). It is great to see how Uncle Martian came to end up with Tim...

A Well Packaged Show With Nice Extras
I ordered this 3rd season of My Favorite Martian from Australia in November, 2007 for $53 (American dollars) including shipping, and it has turned out to be great. The single sided discs are in a plastic multipack, as opposed to the cardboard packages that held the 3 Rhino double sided discs for each of seasons 1 and 2. With the exception of one episode featuring Yvonne "Batgirl" Craig, which, though full length, appears to be from a faded 16mm print, the episodes are very clear, unedited, and have good sound.

Finally, the last season of My Favorite Martian
More than anything, seeing this set finally become available is great news for those of us who bought the first two seasons of "My Favorite Martian" from Rhino several years back...and then waited, and waited, and waited for the third (and final) season that never came.

The first thing to know about this set is that it doesn't come from Rhino, but rather from an Australian company, Umbrella. When it became clear that Rhino was never going to release the final season, Jack Chertok Productions (producer and owner of the the show) worked with Umbrella to produce and release this set in Australia -- but in a format that could be re-imported into the US. As a result, we not only get all 32 episodes of the final season, but we get to see the extras that Rhino didn't see fit to include in the previous seasons.

For those who enjoyed this show (and probably already own the first two seasons), this set is well worth buying. It's a better quality set by far than what...

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