Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Young Montalbano: Episodes 4-6

A Series To Die For!!!
Watching this series is like going on a visit to Sicily! With each episode one falls more and more in love with the characters, the settings, the mysteries, the food, the music. In fact, I didn't want the series to end (I think it's addictive--and so much fun!).

The Young Montalbano makes us see why the girls fall for the Old Montalbano--(bullet headed, bowlegged, and utterly charming). In this delightful backstory, set in the imaginary town of Vigata on the sea (I covet his house!!!) we meet the young Commissario, who is still bowlegged and utterly charming, but has a full mop of curly hair, and is heartthrobbingly gorgeous! (Che bellissimo!)

The writers and directors have enhanced the plausibility of the entire story by giving us a real history to the established Montalbano series, introducing us to the younger versions of the denizens of the Questura that keeps a watchful eye on the territory between Vigata and Montelusa: Salvo Montalbano is mentored by...

True To The Original, part 2
Surprise! The actor who plays Montalbano acts exactly as the "real" Montalbano would though 30 years younger. Same impulsiveness, same independence, same loves and hates. I was prepared to be disappointed, but I am in fact quite impressed. You also get to see the "same" cast of assistants --- some much younger, some just starting out, some the sons of the originals. And with the same idiocyncrasies. Thus five stars, just like the originals. If you liked the originals, you'll like these almost as much --- if not more. All that's missing is the incredibly beautiful Ingrid.

Review of Montalbano 4-6
We really enjoyed seeing these episodes, which are as good as the ones with the older Montalbano. It was interesting to see how the young Montalbano started evolving towards his later character, including the introduction of what will be his team.
We hope that there will be many more of these, as well as of the older Montalbano.

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