Friday, October 25, 2013

Johann Strauss: Die Fledermaus

Open Air Fledermaus
I have 5 versions of Die Fledermaus, I added this as I am particularly fond of Ute Gfrerer. She does not disapoint as Adele.I was suprised by the outdoor location but it works well. Peter Edelman and Silvana Dussman are adequate as the Von Eisensteins. Paul Armin Edelmen as Dr Falke however has a fine tenor which suits my ears. Artur Stefanowicz as Orlofsky is not quite to my taste, and does not compare with my other versions, the best being Malena Erman, Glyndebourne 2003, both as character and singer. It is not sung in English which is my preference, and the subtitling is good. Frosch the gaoler in his comedy routine was something of a miss, less visual than other versions, and the subtitling did indicate in jokes for the audience, who certainly appreciated him. Overall I would recomend.

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