Friday, October 25, 2013

Sleeping Beauty

Highly recommended
I was delighted to see that this ballet is availabe on DVD. I bought it because of the two principal dancers and I was not disappointed. I was lucky enough to see David Hallberg dancing when he was a guest with the Australian Ballet. Svetlana Zakharova is a magnificent dancer and I have her performances in Swan Lake, Giselle, La Bayadere and my favourite, The Pharaoh's Daughter, on DVD.

This is an opulent production, beautiful sets and costumes and of course Tchaikovsky's music.

I choose this DVD firstly because of Svetlana Zakharova, Secondly, I was interested to see how David Hallberg perfoms especially
I choose this DVD firstly because of Svetlana Zakharova. Secondly, I was interested to see how David Hallberg preforms especially after reading all about how he is the first Western ballet dancer gets to join the Bolshoi Ballet, and to see how he performs with such a big star as Zakharova. Well, I must say I was impressed. I thought Hallberg did an excellent job as you can imagine the kind of pressure and responsibility that he must had felt. And as for Zakharova, she is absolutely sensation to watch. One tends to lose track of time when watching her dance.

However, I find Maria Allash performs the role of Lilac Fairy to be quite disappointed. You have to wonder as how is she able to obtain such an important role when there are plenty of other girls to choose from in Bolshoi Ballet.

Overall, it is a very good 'Sleeping Beauty' DVD. I would recommend it to people who love ballet and who have the knowledge in the field - a must have DVD.

This is a wonderful performance. My favorite up to this time was the one with Dupont/Legris. Much as they are still my favorite couple, this performance by Zakharova/Hallberg is simply in the stratosphere. And the Garland Waltz with the kids participating is so sweet.

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