Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Night of Dark Shadows [Blu-ray]

Welcome Back To Creepy Collinwood!
'Night of Dark Shadows' is the second of the two Dark Shadows motion pictures. At the time of it's release, this one didn't do quite as well as the first, but over the years, it has developed a strong cult following, and looks very good on repeated viewings.

What always impressed me about 'Night of Dark Shadows' was it's subtlety. 'House of Dark Shadows' was fast, loud and very "in your face." 'Night of Dark Shadows' is quiet in comparison -- the music is lush and softer, and the pace is quite relaxed at times. However, what emerges is an underlying sense of dread which intensifies throughout the course of the film (similar to Dan Curtis' 'Burnt Offerings' from 1976). This makes the shocks and scares even more jarring, and by the end of the film, the audience is left feeling bewitched, bothered and bewildered!

It's also important to mention David Selby, who turns in an excellent performance as Quentin Collins. His moodswings and erratic behavior (sensitive one...

I Liked It.....
I'm actually quite suprised to see all the criticisms of this movie. I feel obligated to briefly respond in its defense. I've been going through a phase (for reasons unknown) where my wife and I are almost exclusively renting horror videos. We saw this movie last night and I found it very scary and filled with a particular atmospheric that seems to only come from movies from the 60's and early 70's. There's something dated about the style, but it is also classic.

In this genre my favorites would be: "The Haunting" (the original); "The Legend of Hell House"; "Burnt Offerings" (starring Karen Black); "Phantasm" (albeit that's from 1978). I supppose the common denominator is that they are all of the haunted house motif. I mention these movies because I thought the "Night of the Dark Shadows" fit in with them quite well. I do agree that the editing was a little rough, but I didn't find it to detract in any major way. The...

Not as good as House of Dark Shadows, but still creepy!
In this, the second of two Dark Shadows movies spawned from the cult classic immortal TV series, storylines and character traits from the show are forgotten and a completely original story unravels. Whereas the original, House of Dark Shadows, capitalized on the popularity of the character of Barnabas Collins, this movie showcases the characters of Quentin Collins and Angelique. Unlike the original, this movie is NOT a vampire story, but rather a ghost story of mystery and intrigue. The result is an eery haunting tale of betrayal, murder, reincarnation, and ghostly possession.

Note to all fans of Barnabas or vampires in general, Jonathan Frid is NO WHERE to be seen here, as he declined to appear in any more Dark Shadows movies due to his being typecast. However, David Selby is back from the show as Quentin and gives a great performance. The beautiful ladies Kate Jackson (Tracy Collins) and Lara Parker (Angelique) are also great here. John Karlen and Nancy Barrett, fan...

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