Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Lawrence Welk: Classic Episodes 5

Great TRUE Black And White Shows!
This is a very enjoyable video. I have bought all of the Synergy Welk videos (EXCEPT VOLUME 4), and been disappointed in most of them. I didn't buy Volume 4 because the shows it showcases are newer, were originally color shows, but presented in black and white. The modern Welk shows stink, but the ones from 1955-64 are outstanding. I would have given this 5 stars, but the picture and sound quality is not the best. If you're a Welk fan, I recommend this one highly. The only bad thing about this DVD is the 1964 show has been shown recently on PBS, however this one is uncut, and even has the commercials in it.

Lawrence Welk had a second weekly show that had two different titles; "Top Tunes And New Talent", and "The Plymouth Show". We need DVDs of that one too! There is a "Plymouth Show" on the Synergy Welk Christmas show DVD that is the best of all the shows they have offered so far!

Great gift for the older generation
These types of DVDs are always a great gift idea for the older generation. It takes them back to the "good old days" and can be a real treat for them.

The video quality is grainy and the sound not the best, but chances are this is how they were when they were watched by you or your loved one 50 years ago too! They are what they are .... and they do serve their purpose.

not good
This is a very bad recording of the show.Its in b&w,and real bad quality.It was a xmas gift for my mom,and she cant watch them.

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