Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Very Venture Halloween [HD]

VB -nicely executed feature.
VB has a well thought out story line which keeps me coming back for more. It is the only animated product that can hold my interest as well keeping my guardian duties easier when my nieces and nephews are here.The voice talents are so well geared to each screen character without being distracting or forced.
Amazon's video service is awesome! Apple got to watch out, for I mainly use my iPads (I got alll the versions) on the road and this service seems to be dominating my viewing time.

Really if this show and Archer had a baby...
I do not even know what I would do. Sure would be nice to have a new season start soon. I suppose I shall try to wait it out. Would be nice if this replaced any of the crap shows on Fox animated or otherwise.

Anything Venture Bros I love
Even though it is not the same as the first and second seasons, I do like the Venture Bros still and I am happy that they get to continue with the series.

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