Sunday, October 27, 2013

Me and Mrs Jones

Delightful Mr. Green!
I'm a Robson Green fan so there is very little he can do I'd really dislike. He"s a bit kooky and so is this love story. I totally enjoyed it. If you have seen him in "Wire in the Blood" it will make you a fan too!

Just the right light movie...
Ok, this movie is not plausible but who wants plausible all of the time? It is just a good movie and totally worth the purchase now that I can watch it any time with Amazon Prime! I don't know what took me so long to do Amazon Prime but I am glad I did!

Pure Fluff !!! ... but I REALLY like to take a break from reality from time to time!!!!!
Absolutely unbelievable, but for those of us who like pure romantic wishful thinking ... it's WONDERFUL. There are times that I just want to escape and enjoy being "in love with love". Definitely recommend.

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