Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Revealed [HD]

Disappointing considering the quality of 'Spectacualr' and 'Avengers: EMH'
If you're a fan of the Spectacular Spider-man series, approach with caution. I never read the "ultimate" comic books, so my expectations may be misplaced to begin with, but this series seems to be aimed exclusively at the 7-11 year-old segment, whereas SSM was more like 7-50.

Ultimate Spiderman is loaded with trying-too-hard-to-be-funny wisecracks and random cut scenes (ala Family Guy) featuring cutesy caricature skits of Lil' Spidey which come off like a bad Teen Titans rip-off. Despite canceling what I felt was the best adaptation of Peter Parker/Spider-man in the Greg Weisman/Victor Cook series, I thought Marvel would produce something similar to the excellent Avengers EMH series. To my disappointment, it's not a show I'll continue to watch. It has the look of a teen-adult targeted series (e.g. the re-imagining of Doc Ock, etc), but the dialogue is painfully immature. I didn't like the supporting superhero cast (shovelware anyone?), the fact the heroes attend Peter's...

Great potential let down by a lack of subtlety
Let me start by saying that this is not a BAD show. Unfortunately, a comparison between it and its immediate predecessor, the excellent and unfairly curtailed "Spectacular Spider-Man", makes it painfully clear that we've taken a step down in terms of quality.

"Ultimate"'s biggest failing is its lack of subtlety. With Spectacular, the interior monologue of Peter Parker - which I'll admit is a hallmark of the comics - was only heard and never seen. In Ultimate, we're repeatedly asked to suspend watching the story in order to watch Peter's often downright silly thought processes. The result is a surreal and frequently frenetic atmosphere which makes it difficult to take the show seriously. Another problem is the show's humor, which misses the mark far too often. Once again, Spectacular was subtle enough to be truly funny. The jokes in Ultimate are, for the most part, clumsily obvious and wind up detracting from the plot.

That being said, there are some good points...

Ultimate Spider-man in title only
This series biggest sin is not following the framework of the amazing comic book series. There isn't a hint of Brian Michael Bendis in this. That is the worst decision. USM is Bendis. The second worst thing is that there is not enough Peter Parker. The third and final thing is why would you put Spiderman on a team of characters that aren't interesting in the least. I have loved USM from the beginning and this is a bastardization of that great idea. So much potential...waisted.

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When In-Laws Collide

Only bought it bc I missed it when it came on TV. It was ok, cut in and out a couple times but over all it was ok.

Fun, real show!
They truly come across as real people, with real problems on this show. It's fun to see how they resolve them and move forward with life. Even if you don't like the Jonas Brothers band I would highly recommend this show.

"Real" reality t.v.
The "Married to Jonas" series is a refreshing take on reality t.v. It is actually real. The two families involved are obviously very committed to each other and love each other. They have arguments but they also have birthday parties. They mess up but they apologize. It is not like a soap opera. It gives a nice perspective on the Jonas' lives. It is also clean and it doesn't flaunt wealth and fame as the road to happiness.

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Red Crusade

We need more of these...
Living in the US its hard to "get into" an English Premier League club. Every year I tell myself "I'm going to find a club to support this year" and every year I find myself more or less indifferent, and I end up watching relatively little EPL. This documentary is great... it gets you into the spirit of the club, its history, you meet and learn to like or dislike particular players, and you et a sense of the struggles that they go through together. I know that Brendon Rodgers has taken some criticism for the show, but I think its a stoke of genius and a great way to bring new people into the fold.

I would like to see a "Being: [Name here]" every year to give us a background on clubs around England (or the world).

Excellent Show
Excellent behind-the-scenes type show. Does a great job of touching on all aspects of the club, not only the training and game results but the players personal lives, the history of LFC, the business side, etc. Highly recommend!

Solid Show
Such a great show with insights into the business, the game, and the people. Very classy tribute to the 96, and just overall solid production. BR throws out plenty of beautifully quotable lines, as always. I'm looking forward to starting up the season in the episodes to come.

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Tchaikovsky: The Sleeping Beauty [Blu-ray]

Bolshoi perfection and opulence with a marked sense of fun.
This production of The Sleeping Beauty was recorded at the Bolshoi in 2011. It differs from other productions in that the choreography, although referring back to Petipa, is largely the inspiration of Yuri Grigorovich. As such one might expect a ballet conceived on a grand scale with an enhanced awareness of the spectacular. This we experience and the effect is one of unparalleled magnificence both in terms of the dancing and in terms of the staging. The recording does all of this proud.

To deal with the sets first: Russian ballet has always been famed for its splendid painted backdrops and this is no exception. The court scene for example shows a domed palace set within a harbour town with wonderfully detailed depictions of ocean-going sailing ships at anchor. In front of this to the side, giving a fine 3D effect, are columns of palatial proportions. There is extensive use made of curtain drops to superimpose different situations throughout the ballet. The whole effect is...

The Grand Palace of Ballet Reopens
This DVD is primarily a celebration of the opening of the newly refurbished and truly majestic Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. The disc in HD and Blu-Ray is simply awesome in its presentation. At the outset we see this huge building and then inside this immence space with the redone Royal Box with its gold double eagle of the Romanovs and the masses of gold leaf on all seven tiers of the theater set off by masses of rich red velvet hung everywhere and you are transported back to the grandeur of Czarist Russia. Then the curtain opens and we see the most lavish of productions; beautiful spiral columns and a seaside palace setting with more pillars. (Sleeping Beauty from its premier in January 1890, revival by Diaghilev in 1921 in Paris to Sergeyev's 1939 revival for the old Vic-Wells in London have all been noted for big lavish productions that almost bankrupted each company). I don't know about the funding but this Bolshoi is the grandest most lavish I've witnessed in well over a half...

Wonderful Performance
Another spectacular performance by the Bolshoi. If you enjoy ballet, and enjoy the Russian tradition of excellence from this group, then you shall enjoy this DVD.

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A Very Venture Halloween [HD]

VB -nicely executed feature.
VB has a well thought out story line which keeps me coming back for more. It is the only animated product that can hold my interest as well keeping my guardian duties easier when my nieces and nephews are here.The voice talents are so well geared to each screen character without being distracting or forced.
Amazon's video service is awesome! Apple got to watch out, for I mainly use my iPads (I got alll the versions) on the road and this service seems to be dominating my viewing time.

Really if this show and Archer had a baby...
I do not even know what I would do. Sure would be nice to have a new season start soon. I suppose I shall try to wait it out. Would be nice if this replaced any of the crap shows on Fox animated or otherwise.

Anything Venture Bros I love
Even though it is not the same as the first and second seasons, I do like the Venture Bros still and I am happy that they get to continue with the series.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Young Montalbano: Episodes 4-6

A Series To Die For!!!
Watching this series is like going on a visit to Sicily! With each episode one falls more and more in love with the characters, the settings, the mysteries, the food, the music. In fact, I didn't want the series to end (I think it's addictive--and so much fun!).

The Young Montalbano makes us see why the girls fall for the Old Montalbano--(bullet headed, bowlegged, and utterly charming). In this delightful backstory, set in the imaginary town of Vigata on the sea (I covet his house!!!) we meet the young Commissario, who is still bowlegged and utterly charming, but has a full mop of curly hair, and is heartthrobbingly gorgeous! (Che bellissimo!)

The writers and directors have enhanced the plausibility of the entire story by giving us a real history to the established Montalbano series, introducing us to the younger versions of the denizens of the Questura that keeps a watchful eye on the territory between Vigata and Montelusa: Salvo Montalbano is mentored by...

True To The Original, part 2
Surprise! The actor who plays Montalbano acts exactly as the "real" Montalbano would though 30 years younger. Same impulsiveness, same independence, same loves and hates. I was prepared to be disappointed, but I am in fact quite impressed. You also get to see the "same" cast of assistants --- some much younger, some just starting out, some the sons of the originals. And with the same idiocyncrasies. Thus five stars, just like the originals. If you liked the originals, you'll like these almost as much --- if not more. All that's missing is the incredibly beautiful Ingrid.

Review of Montalbano 4-6
We really enjoyed seeing these episodes, which are as good as the ones with the older Montalbano. It was interesting to see how the young Montalbano started evolving towards his later character, including the introduction of what will be his team.
We hope that there will be many more of these, as well as of the older Montalbano.

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Twisted Christmas: Live in Las Vegas

This is Twisted Sister at there best.
This is a great dvd for people who like twisted sister, and hard rock Christmas music. This dvd contains 8 Christmas songs, as well as twisted sisters greatest hits. This is Twisted sisters second Christmas show on dvd, This 2012 version is much better then the 2007 version. This 2012 concert has great sound, unlike there 2007 Christmas dvd were the sound quilty isn't very good. The best Christmas Concert I have ever seen. I also recommend a Twisted Sister Christmas Cd it contains two songs not included on this dvd.

Just what you expect
If you like Twisted Sister and you like Christmas music, you will like this. If not, you won't like it.

Good but I've seen better shows.
I've been a fan of Twisted Sister since their early days before a record deal when they used to play dives and other small venues. I've seen them live over a dozen times. Their live shows are always great and you never know what to expect. I enjoyed this DVD of a Christmas show in Las Vegas. I only gave it 4 stars because I've seen better shows and didn't care too much for their take on some of the Christmas songs they covered. Otherwise this is a great DVD and show.

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The Complete Fractured Fairy Tales

91 painfully punny Fractured Fairy Tales
This two-DVD set contains the following 91 Fractured Fairy Tales:
Puss and Boots
The Enchanted Fish
Beauty and the Beast
The Brave Little Tailor or T-Shirt Tall
Princess and the Pea
Sweet Little Beat
Dick Whittington
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Tom Thumb
Sir Galahad or the Tomorrow Knight
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty
Little Red Riding Hood
King Midas
Hansel and Gretel
Cinderella Returns
Snow White, Inc.
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Pied Piper
Puss 'n Boots
Leaping Beauty
Tiny Tom
Slipping Beauty
Rumpelstiltskin Returns
The Magic Fish
The Frog Prince
The Pied Piper
Prince Darling
The Ugly Duckling
Son of Rumpelstiltskin
Beauty and Her Beast
The Golden Goose
The Enchanted Frog
The Goose and the Golden Egg...

2nd disc Defective
As the other customer said the 2nd DVD is defective, I had the same problem, I got it in different store (WM) and I also had to return the first, and second set, because seems like doesn't matter were you buy it is going to be defective.

Excellent product and great customer service!
I received this for Christmas and am happy to have all the episodes compiled into one set. Although I do miss the original theme song (I read that the current one was the preferred version by Jay Ward) the quality is great and are just as funny as ever!

Concerning the 2nd defective disc, I read the comments here and contacted Classic Media about it and asked if there was a recall for the second disc. They said there was an issue in pressing and have corrected it with subsequent pressings. They also replaced my defective disc.

So if you do have a defective disc, contact Classic Media about it(all the info is on their site). They do indeed stand by their product.

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Maigret- Set 6

Maigret Set 6
Firstly, this DVD set is formatted in Region 1. To all those who do not know, this means that it is meant to be played on a U.S. DVD player, or an international player

Package and Seller: I ordered this set from I-Deals on Amazon Marketplace. To me they have the best prices on these kinds of DVDs (imports). Opening the package, what is contained is the box which you see in the picture, which holds two DVD "cases". These cases each contain three discs; Disc 1 contains First-Class Murder, Maigret Sees Double, and Maigret and the Rich. Disc 2 contains Maigret and the Fortune Hunter, My Friend Maigret, and Maigret and the Open Window. Each of these episodes are set on 1 disc each, coming to a total of 6 DVDs. In each case three DVDs are lined up in one holder, something that may or may not be okay with you. I suggest separating these discs into individual containers if you have the chance.

Episodes: This will be a shallow review at first so please bear with me. Each...

Maigret-Set 6 in French with English subtitles
We have previously purchase the earlier sets and will continue to purchase later sets if and as they become available.

My wife and I always have a glass of red or white wine while viewing.

I love it.....!!!
Fantastic !! I so enjoy Bruno Cremer ...saw him in the Octopus too..Love the vintage clothes, ambiance old France.. post war era. am looking forward to more Maigret..hopefully it won't be long for #7

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Hidden Tunnel [HD]

I stops time to time
1st disk played about two hours, and it stops time to time for 10 minutes. I have not had time to watch 2nd and 3rd disks yet.

Border Wars is excellent in many ways
I enjoy the Law Enforcement side of this program, but I have also learned a lot about the ports, the geography of the regions discussed, and the real reason many immigrants come here. I am pro-border control, but I believe that we must examine why countries like Mexico and those farther south, are so poor that people risk their lives to come work here. Especially since large segments of our population refuse to work, live off the government and whine about how bad life is in the USA. They have no clue.

New Commentator
As always love my Border Wars. There is a new Commentator for this season. He isn't bad but it will take getting use to. I did love the old one.

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Fall Of The House Of Usher

1956 television
This is an excellent adaption of Poe's story. It was filmed in 1956 for NBC's Matinee Theater on live television. I ordered this DVD because I am a fan of Tom Tryon's movies, stage works and books. Matinee Theater presented 5 stories a week from 1955 to 1958, most of them live. According to the DVD cover, all were shot in color to promote a new invention--color television. But please remember, this was 1956 and although i caught a glimpse of a muted gold tie or vest, it is mostly black and white. This doesn't detract from the extraordinary acting, drama and set design. The sound quality is very good. I recommend this hour-long show to Poe fans who want to experience Poe's gothic style to the max, but more important, to those of you who want to learn about, or are nostalgic for, the early days of television. I hope more DVD's are made of Matinee Theater.

The Real House of Usher
i ordered this to use as a follow-up to a unit in the READ 180 program for 7th graders based on the Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe. Even though the students were struggling readers, they were fascinated by the adapted version they read in their basal reader. My team teacher and I wanted to find a video to show the students to give them a better feel for the story events. This was perfect as it followed the original story closely. Even though it was not a current show, the simple presentation was fine for our students and there was no foul language or inappropriate references to worry about.

Gothic brilliance
This is a fine and disturbing 50-minute videotape production dating from 1956, originally presented on NBC's Matinee Theatre.

Tom Tryon's Roderick Usher is remarkable. The actor's later work did not prepare me for his thorough command of both the intimate camera and the Gothic emotional content. One never doubts that this is a man tormented by a secret comprised of equal parts doom and love, torn between an attraction to death and the hope of life. Watching it reminded me that Tryon later achieved significant success as a writer of Gothic horror fiction himself. And his most famous novel, The Other, also featured twins.

There are a few flaws to be tolerated. First, Marshall Thompson is wooden as the visitor/narrator. But his function here is essentially that of a straight man, so he does no severe damage. Second, while the atmosphere is beautifully developed and sustained, the wolf howls might have been dispensed with.

Finally, there is the...

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Rifftrax Live: Jack the Giant Killer

Huge, giant claymation...... and killing... well sort of.
A new live show dvd from the Rifftrax crew, this time its the early 60's cult classic "Jack The Giant Killer", where a young man named Jack (big shock to the viewer I'm sure) rescues a princess from the clutches of a giant by killing it (the giant not the princess), the king has Jack take guard of the princess and attempt to hide her away at a nearby island but the ship is attacked by weird spirit creatures summoned by the evil wizard Pendragon and the princess is taken. From there its all about Jack trying to make his way to the wizard's castle to rescue said princess and save the world from evil.

There's also a short called "What is nothing?" where two young boys ponder the true meaning of nothing. Its quite odd but the guys do their usual great job with the bad material these shorts provide. Also they do a fantastic job with the main feature which isn't that bad of a movie but is quite cheesy and some of the references in the movie make for plenty of good riffing...

What Is Nothing? Is It Something?
I have seen every MST3K episode multiple times, and am a big Rifftrax fan as well: I love and cherish them all. I think the best Rifftrax episodes are live, as is "Jack the Giant Killer," performed in front of a very appreciative audience in Nashville. While I haven't seen a Rifftrax installment I haven't liked yet, this one is not one of my favorites: the whole stop-motion, giant-infested fantasy love story makes for just plain boring viewing in several large swathes of the movie. Don't get me wrong the riffs are spot on and well-delivered, but compared to some of the other Rifftrax episodes I did not find this to be as entertaining as the norm due entirely to the ponderous and derivative nature of the underlying material. Having said that, it's worth seeing for fans, but for me the highlight of the disc is beyond doubt the extremely confusing and conceptually maddening short "What is Nothing?" Is it something? Watch it carefully and see if you can figure it out. Good luck!

This film is from a live show where 3 comedians mock an old fantasy movie before a live audience. Hugely funny. Not recommended for young children because of some crude humor.

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Lawrence Welk: Christmas Shows

Classic Welk
Just a great trip down memory lane to Christmases of the Past. This DVD is great whether you love Lawrence Welk, OR think he's the corniest thing since tortillas. You're either going to get misty-eyed remembering how Christmases were different when you were a kid (these shows just EXUDE the feeling of the era in which they were made), or you'll sit back, slack-jawed, suspended somewhere between disbelief and uncontrollable laughter. These shows have everything from traditional carols to the way-out Janet Lennon number, "Outer Space Santa", complete with flying saucer. Truly, this is probably one of the most fun Lawrence Welk video items you could possibly get. One minor thing worth emphasizing - as stated in the item description, the 1966 episode is a great "winter" show, but not the actual Christmas show from that year. Hopefully, THAT one will also turn up one day.

First DVD with ACTUAL Welk TV Shows!!!!!!!!!!! Buy It Before IT's GONE!
This dvd features ACTUAL Welk TV Episodes. (THREE TO BE EXACT)... Two are Christmas Shows from 1958-9, and a FANTASTIC WINTER EPISODE from 1966. THIS PRODUCT IS ONLY AVAILABLE FROM AMAZON & one other seller........IT came out in '07. BUY IT BEFORE ITS GONE FOREVER and then you'll have to pay exhorbitant prices for it!!!!. THE DVD ITSELF IS MORE THAN YOU CAN ASK FOR. If you want episodes from the ACTUAL WELK SHOW--NOT THE BRANSON GET TOGETHERS- THEN BUY THIS DVD. Maybe more will follow!!!! May Lawrence Welk and it's fans live forever....... Publishers come up with a dvd including many more Welk episodes---we will buy it!!!!!

Black and White Alert!
I was hoping this might be one of those "restored and colorized" DVD's, but alas, it's in black and white and very grainy. Each show does get a little better though and the third one from 1966 is almost good. But my 96-Year-Old mother, whom I bought it for, doesn't seem to mind, or even notice! So there you have it, the quality of the production is purely in the eye of the beholder. I'm glad I bought it for her because she LOVES it! Likes in particular seeing all the children of the bandmembers and performers at the end of each show.

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Dave's World Season 3 (1995-1996)

Finally -- Season 3!
Thank you Amazon for offering this product manufactured on demand. It feels like I have waited forever for this to be released. I hope there is enough "demand" for this product that the 4th and final season also will be released, and soon! There are so many great lines in each episode, I hate to miss even one more. The quality of these episodes is great. I'm sure there are some more bits that had to be cut because of music rights, but it seems mostly intact based on my natually hazy memory after all of these years. And yes, the opening theme lyrics are missing, but they did manage to slip them in for at least 1 episode! Just hearing them once again is great, and in my mind I can hear the words as the music plays in the episodes without lyrics. If you are a fan of Dave's World but are waiting to buy this set because of the "manufactured on demand" aspect, don't. For lovers of the show, it is worth every penny to finally get to see them again!

Dave's World is great
I was so pleased to find that they had finally released the third season of this series. It is hillarious from the beginning. I wish it had gone on longer, but I'm glad that I can revisit it any time I want.

Fun times!
Dave's World is the store Dave Berry a humorist who writes for a Newspaper.
You get to his daily life with friends and family.
It' is quite entertaining.
Good laughs and tender moments.

It's a feel good type show.

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Don Matteo - Set 3

I'm hooked on Don Matteo
You can't find a series like this on American TV. It is a sweet tale about a parish priest in Italy. All the characters are broadly drawn but so Italian. Don Matteo solves murders and family problems -- a little like "Murder She Wrote". Production values are not as slick as American series but that makes it even better.
It is in Italian with English subtitles.

Don Matteo - Set 3
We love this series! The plots, cast of characters, costumes, and settings in Sicily are very entertaining. We are working on Set 3 and have Set 4 ready to go.

I and my friends hope the following episodes which are available in Italy will be made for use in the USA.
I have all the Don Matteo DVD sets available here in the US. I like it very much, not only it is well done and the episodes are interesting, the actors excellent, but there are no vulgarities or obscenities in these series, as unfortunately abound on the popular Detective Montalbano and the Young Montalbano series.

I and my friends hope the following episodes which are available in Italy will be made for use in the USA.

--Anna Volpi

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Monday, October 28, 2013

Streets of San Francisco: Season Five, Vol. 2

Sharply-Written, Well-Plotted Stories; Great Guest Stars
This volume brings us the final 12 episodes of "Streets" and while the guest stars IMO weren't as good as on Voume 1, this is still worth buying, if only for the awesome "Who Killed Helen French" episode. This is one of those episodes that could only have been made in the '70s and has so many intriguing twists and turns you'd swear it was a two-hour episode. Other highlights include the Arnold Schwarzenegger appearance in "Dead Lift"; the gay-themed "A Good Cop...But" and "Once a Con". Even when the stories are less than excellent, the guest star performances make up for it, as in "Let's Pretend We're Strangers" with Linda Kelsey or "Hang Tough" featuring Ned Beatty.

The video quality of these 12 episodes is excellent and I still prefer Richard Hatch over smug Michael Douglas in this show. I only wish Hatch had been afforded more time on the series.

FIVE STARS. An addictive slice of '70s crime drama.

Last season of great '70s detective series
The Streets of San Francisco (1972 - 1977) was a terrific detective show that ran for 5 seasons, and for the first 4 starred newcomer Michael Douglas and screen veteran Karl Malden as detective partners. When Douglas left the show after Season 4 to pursue a movie career, he was replaced by Richard Hatch, a good-looking, creditable actor who was previously on the soap All My Children and would go on to appear on Dynasty & Battlestar Galactica. Unfortunately the show's ratings dropped after Douglas' departure, but even in its final season it remained well-written & action-packed, and attracted a good roster of guest stars. Below is a list of all episodes & featured stars in this Season 5, Volume 2 3DVD set:

Disc 1

The Cannibals - Mark Goddard, Tim O'Connor
Who Killed Helen French? - Marlyn Mason, Trish Stewart
A Good Cop...But - Robert Walden, Barry Primus
Hang Tough - Susan Oliver, Ned Beatty

Disc 2

Innocent No More - Mark...

A winner
Great writing. Team dynamics changed without Keller and still works. Malden always great. Sorry there are not more episodes. Great to have the entire season

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Gidon Kremer

Classical cd's
Really pleased because the one track I have been unable to find anywhere else was on one of the discs.

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Die Meistersinger Von Nurnberg

A Meistersinger to Cherish
This most recent Meistersinger, conducted by Vladimir Jurowski anf directed by David McVicker emanates from the Glyndebourne festival of 2011. While the dimensions of the house have been enlarged they still cannot match most of the major opera housses in Europe, but at lest they are now able to fulfill one of the founders of the festival, John Christie, most ardent desires: the mounting of Wagner's operas. In the early aughts Tristan was presented and now we have Wagner's only comedy. Overall I would say that it is mostly a very successful investiture; however there are some reservations and they cannot be overlooked.

Of the singers the performance of Finley's Hans Sachs' is the most successful. His experience as a lieder singer is clearly evident in the two great monologues as the text is given its due. The voice is a beautiful one. But Finley is just as good an actor as he is a singer. Given his youthful appearance this is no avuncular Sachs; indeed it would not be out...

My favorite Wagner
Only once have I seen "Meistersinger"; it was an English-language production at the ENO in London. I ordered this DVD, although I doubted that Glyndebourne had the resources to stage "Meistersinger" successfully. Whether it is a trick of the camera or not, I think that this production comes off beautifully. Good voices, handsome actors, good staging. I'm biased toward Wagner. I go to bed never knowing whether it will be Mozart, Bellini, Verdi, Wagner or Strauss who has composed the soundtrack to my dreams that night -- even Gluck shows his seductive head now and then -- but they are Bellini and Wagner whose music will accompany me to the grave. And this is happy Wagner! Purists will no doubt have their quibbles, but I am happy that I bought this DVD, and it has already given me hours of pleasure.

Best Meistersinger available
This is the best PRODUCTION of Meistersinger currently available. This is the best PRODUCTION of any Wagner Opera currently available. Any shortcomings it may have are outweighed by the overall excellence of the production.

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Vitaphone Varieties: Volume Two

Interest value: 5 stars; entertainment value: 3 stars
I want to recommend this unusual set of four discs, but I want to be careful about who I recommend it to. If you are looking for a collection of shorts that are hilarious or show first class performers, skip this set. You will be disappointed. Most of the comics here are unfunny and most of the performers are from the "B," "C," and even "D" lists (although some still entertain). But if you love early film and would enjoy a unique time capsule, order this now. These short films from 1926-1930 were made using early sound technology (which still sounds good, by the way) and then were quickly forgotten for 80 years. They feature a spectrum of popular and unusual acts from vaudeville circuits and night clubs. Zip ahead 80 years and what was once ephemeral junk has become a fascinating relic of bygone humanity. We have very little film with audio from the 1926-1930 era (1,000 Vitaphone shorts were made and many of these are lost). You will truly enter another world and culture with these...

Time capsule into forgotten entertainers.
Enjoyed this collection of shorts very much. Great to see entertainment as it was in the 1920's with many long forgotten Vaudeville singers, musicians, comedians and others doing their thing in talking film at its infancy. These shorts are a rare insight into 1920's popular entertainment. The quality of the subject matter is variable with such a huge selection on offer. Many are good, some bad and quite a few with the power to still shock. These films are restored to a degree and the sound is surprisingly good. This 4 disk set is well worth owning.

Listing of Program -
Recovered and restored: fascinating early-sound shorts from a bygone entertainment era. Venerable vaudevillians. Musical marvels. Crazy comics. Formidable character actors. These and other great performers and ensembles from the Warner Bros. vault comprise a dazzling 9+-Hour, 4-Disc Collection of 60 Theatrical Shorts (1926-1930) that reach across the footlights - and decades - to delight new generations. Vitaphone Varieties is an endlessly entertaining blast from the past.

Vitaphone Varieties (1926-1930)

Disc One 17 shorts

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Andres Segovia in Portrait

My father was friends with Andres Segovia, as well as many other great guitarists of that era - Julian Bream, Carlos Montoya, Jiro Matsuda, Richard Pick, to name a few. When in town performing, these guitarists(donning coattails) would always come back to our house and/or my father's apt.(1950's) after their show. I was only a small child(early 1970's) the last time I saw Segovia, so as an adult, to watch this Dvd, was a real treat for me. I grew up seeing sooo many photographs of him w/ my parents at various events and hearing tons of great(sometimes funny) stories about my father's interactions w/ Segovia & others. It is nice to put a voice to that so familiar face. @ 91, to this day, my father still talks about him. My only disappointment w/ this video(s) is that we don't get to see Segovia play as much on camera as I would have preferred. As I have heard others note, and even a non-player, such as myself can notice, there is a difference in his skills in the latter video, but...

Segovia Still Rocks
Although Segovia was full of himself, he had a right to be. Today's young guitarist are technically far superior, but he could get such a marvelous tone at times. He is a huge historical figure with respect to the classical guitar's acceptance on the concert stage, and to that end, the video has great value.

Words against notes
If my review should focus on specific features of the product and my experience with it: too much speech from Segovia and speaker that I hope instead of music

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I Belong to Glasgow

Great if you like British comedy
If you enjoy British comedy (Allo Allo, Yes Minister, etc.), you will love the Mind Your Language Series. It had great ratings back in the day.

I just wish that all the original episodes were put onto the DVD but some are missing. It isn't just the DVD's on Amazon that are missing them though - no website (that I could find) has all episodes.

Refreshing Comedy
This is one of the best comedy collection on DVD! Story of immigrants trying to learn English in England. Exceptional script and has the typical British comedy touch. I bought all 4 volumes and waiting for the next release!!! Lots of laugh under $10.

Highly recommended!!!

Best Comedy yet
Get ready for some great laughs. I would recommend this series to everyone. You are bound to watch these series over and over again, British comedy at its best!

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An Inspector Calls

Great if you like British comedy
If you enjoy British comedy (Allo Allo, Yes Minister, etc.), you will love the Mind Your Language Series. It had great ratings back in the day.

I just wish that all the original episodes were put onto the DVD but some are missing. It isn't just the DVD's on Amazon that are missing them though - no website (that I could find) has all episodes.

Excellent, if you appreciate the British sense of humor. Not politically correct now, but who cares?

Simply splended
One of the best british commedies of 80's.I was probably 9 when this series was broadcasted by local television network in Pakistan.I remember having regular discussions on each episode in school among friends. I have just ordered the full 4-voulme DVDs and cannot wait to watch them all.....probably in one sitting!

Recommended for viewers of all ages.

Irfan Ishrat.

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This episode really made for some fun and fascinating TV. I do not understand how Kate can live the way she does. Why treat yourself like that? She is missing out on living a better, more vibrant, not to mention healthier lifestyle. That would require spending money. She's been able to cut costs, but at what price? Can you really have good selfesteem diving into trash bins all the time?

I've watched some of the other episodes, mostly with horrified fascination. I don't understand how these people can be so proud of their lifestyles. It seems to me that being a cheapskate is synonymous with treating other people poorly, whether it's nickle and diming local businesses, feeding your family dumpster dived, scavenged, or road killed food, turning the water off when ur boyfriend showers, hiding money from your family in accounts, haggling working people at fast food restaurants, or buying your child thrift store items and not getting them needed braces, pinching the stems off...

There's being careful and frugal and then there's this.
The ways documented in these episodes are not so much helpful as they are exploitative and in the form of a mockumentary.

There's nothing here that is helpful to the average person trying to get buy on a limited income. I think most of us who went through the starving student phase are aware of ways to eat on the cheap (ramen noodles and frozen veggies 3x a day) This is more for shock value as indicated in the other comments about the goat's head dinner.

It's possible to be careful about money, live on a limited income and not be a complete idiot like the people in these episodes. Pulling food out of dumpsters and eating it let alone serving it to company is not only dangerous but if you managed to poison your company, you might be held responsible for their medical bills. So in an effort to save a couple dollars, you wind up owing tens of thousands thanks to a staph, e.coli or parasitic infection. How does this make sense?

Not only that, when giving...

No on could make up the ways in which this person finds to save
money. I think that she could have made it through the Great Depression
of the 1930's without even missing having money.

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Dustbin Baby

Dustbib Baby Season 1
I want Season 1 , I just have the pilot I'm assuming.
I think Miss Richards & Stevenson are delight in this story.
However SICK that mother could just leave a baby in a back alley garbage thing.

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Michelle's Birthday Makeover

Just watching the Duggar family inspires our family to speak more kindly, show more love, save more money, and spend more time together.

excellent family show
What a great show that I don't have to worry about the kids watching! We love the values they are instilling in their children and don't mind those being shared with ours!

Just so pleasant!!
What a wonderful way to live! Wish I started this with my children when they were little. Now they are grown, we adopted two more and have applied many of the things we learned from the Duggars with them and it is so wonderful! Thank you for airing their series, just wish it was $0.00 on Amazon Prime!

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Maggie and Paul

Typical family upheaval
Some subjects are hard to process in a family. While being sympathetic to the mom, I truly dislike the dad. Guess the series is well acted for any response at all.

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Aqua Teen is back and better than the previous season
Minor spoiler warning for this review.

Packaging and Menus: This packaging continues with the trend of Williams Street releases in that it's really minimalist. In fact, it might be their most minimalist release. The entire artwork on the DVD cover, the menus, and even the stickers it comes with consist of simple shapes. The DVDs are themselves just solid color. Although simple, it's attractive and very bright. It's simple done right, just like the show itself with it's limited animation.

Video and Audio Quality : Maintains the broadcast quality pretty perfectly. There's only one case of audio inconsistency and that's in a webisode extra. Everything else is fine.

Disc 1 : Houses the 9 episodes that Adult Swim has aired already with commentary for 3 of them.

Episodes : This season opened with a different formula towards the beginning. The Aqua Teens are gone and the spotlight is cast on Carl and the new vampire/landlord Markula. Carl...

Vol. 6 of Aqua Teen Hunger Force contains some of the shows best episodes, ever! I liked seven out of the thirteen episodes, and out of those seven, two of them must be considered for any conversation involving "best Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes ever". These classic episodes, in my opinion, are "Laser Lenses" and the never before aired "Shake Like Me", an episode that will create some controversy for sure.

"Laser Lenses" is similar in some respects to a past episode called "Unremarkable Voyage", but it's funnier, and pushes the shows patented surrealistic humor to the limit. Basically, it's an episode where Master Shake is being crueler than usual to his roommates and neighbor, which has been the basis for some of the series best episodes. The origin of Frylock's ability to shoot electricity from his eyes is explained.
"Shake Like Me" was never aired, and once you see it, you'll understand why the network didn't touch it. It's an episode about race. Master Shake is...

'Let's not put a number on something that's so %^(#ing cool.'
1. Robots Everywhere
2. Sirens
3. Couples Skate
4. Reedickyoulus
5. Hoppy Bunny
6. Laser Lenses
7. Dummy Love
8. The Marines
9. Bible Fruit
10. Gene E
11. Shake Like Me
12. She Creature
13. Chick Magnet

I won't rant on and on, but this is HIGHLY recommended. Commentaries, live action short titled 'Terror Phone', all the cutscenes from the Aqua Teen videogame, all Carl's sports blogs and a quick look at the writing process.

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After Three

Great if you like British comedy
If you enjoy British comedy (Allo Allo, Yes Minister, etc.), you will love the Mind Your Language Series. It had great ratings back in the day.

I just wish that all the original episodes were put onto the DVD but some are missing. It isn't just the DVD's on Amazon that are missing them though - no website (that I could find) has all episodes.

Mind Your Language, Vol. 2
This comedy is just hilarious. If you imagine what new immigrants who do not speak English go through to learn the language, and the 'confusion that goes on in their heads', you will find the Mind Your Language Series educative and wholesomely entertaining

Timeless classic
They don't make them like this anymore. Brings back fond Memories. I would like to get all the seasons also.

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Me and Mrs Jones

Delightful Mr. Green!
I'm a Robson Green fan so there is very little he can do I'd really dislike. He"s a bit kooky and so is this love story. I totally enjoyed it. If you have seen him in "Wire in the Blood" it will make you a fan too!

Just the right light movie...
Ok, this movie is not plausible but who wants plausible all of the time? It is just a good movie and totally worth the purchase now that I can watch it any time with Amazon Prime! I don't know what took me so long to do Amazon Prime but I am glad I did!

Pure Fluff !!! ... but I REALLY like to take a break from reality from time to time!!!!!
Absolutely unbelievable, but for those of us who like pure romantic wishful thinking ... it's WONDERFUL. There are times that I just want to escape and enjoy being "in love with love". Definitely recommend.

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PBS Newshour: October 31, 2012

Love the PBS newshour. Could you please post the videos the same day?
The newshour is more thoughtful and somewhat less partisan than the other major broadcast news outlets. I can't stand Fox and CNN quickly descends into tabloid territory. My only complaint is that in the digital age, PBS needs to accelerate the posting of the full videos online. It is Sunday and Friday's newshour is still not available for streaming!

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The Engagement Ring

Fantastic movie .....After so many years, can somebody please tell me, why is not on DVD?.....I want to buy it.......they don't show the movie on TV often.

so much fun
I have seen this movie at least 25 times. I laugh just as much today as the first time I saw it. Of course,being Italian makes it even better.

nice show my wife and i loved it i hope Patricia will continue to be in shows like this a grammy winner for sure

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Humperdinck: Konigskinder [Blu-ray]

A Humperdinck Rarity given a Wondrous Performance
Yes, everyone has heard and seen Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel, and it has become a holiday staple in opera houses around the world. But few, at least in the US, have heard of another work by Humperdinck - Königskinder - that receives a sterling performance here. The opera dates to 1910 and was hailed as the most important new opera since Parsifal. But in the century since, outside German-speaking countries Königskinder is rarely seen on stage.

The story is involved (the opera is 3 hours in length) and flows as follows: Once upon a time a witch cast a spell upon a king's daughter and held her in servitude as a goose-herd. A prince found her in the forest and loved her. She loved him in return, and would gladly have gone away from her sordid surroundings with him, though she had spurned the crown which he had offered her in exchange for her wreath of flowers; but when she escaped from her jailer she found that she could not break the charm which held her...

Best in the field
compare to his other work Hanzel and Gretel, Konigskinder is relatively less known and less performed. In fact when I looked for a dvd, this was the only one. Intended as a family opera it is a fairy tale with witch, prince and princess. But adults can also enjoy for its dark insight on human nature and a nice terrible ending. Recently seen a live performance in Germany with my friend who thought Engelbert Humperdinck was a pop singer, the chance meeting with the opera and this dvd I bought at the venue gave me some useful reference points.

First this is for sure the best of what is out there which is an easy competition since there's only one.
Second, although modernised, this is a coherent, intelligent and beautiful production by reknowned Zurich Opera.
Third, I'd give a higher points on its theatrical level but the musical part was also brilliant.
Fourth, this is surely a much better production than what I saw on the stage for 60 something euro...

A great performance, but do get the blu-ray to avoid missing Act III.
I confess that I am totally unfamiliar with this work. I have considerable difficulty following the story with its biolab setting, which otherwise should be in the forest.
This is one of the famous Zurich knapsack productions of the 21st century. No trace of the Märchenoper, but there are still reminiscents of the Anderson-like folklores, though.
In that sense, this production should not count as a failure, however unlike the original setting.
Certainly, in its most important sense - music wise, this is a first rate performance. Ingo Metzmacher orchestrates the folklore materials in a grandiose manner, and the result is very luxurious to the ears. On top of the rich sounding orchestra, of course we have the 21st century tenor king Jonas Kaufmann performing the title role of the King's son in one of his perfect renditions. Kaufmann covers himself in total glory here, from singing to acting to stage presence, even though only dorned in everyday modern attire...

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Korngold: Die tote Stadt

Excellent German TV production of Erich Wolfgang Korngold's unjustly forgotten opera...
Korngold's once phenomenally successful opera, first performed simultaneously in the German cities of Hamburg and Cologne in 1920 when the composer was only 23 years old, is vividly brought to life in this superior German TV production, which was produced in 1983 by the Deutsche Oper Berlin opera company and was partly responsible for the gradual rehabilitation of this three-act opera in the European repertoire in recent times.

Freely adapted from Georges Rodenbach's 1892 novel "Bruges-la-Morte" by Erich and his father Julius (under the pen name "Paul Schott"), the story of DIE TOTE STADT is simple: Paul (played by the late tenor James King, who resembles 1940s Belgian-born actor Victor Francen with his thin mustache), mourning over the loss of his beautiful blonde wife Marie in the Belgian city of Bruges, is ecstatic to encounter her exact double one day, the flirtatious opera dancer Marietta (played by soprano Karan Armstrong, who resembles a curvaceous and strawberry...

Incorrectly posted reviews
Readers, beware. At the time of my posting, only two of the 29 customer reviews posted here actually applied to this item, which is the Deutsche Oper Berlin 1983 production starring Karan Armstrong and James King, NOT the bizarre Opera National du Rhin 2001 production starring Angele Denoke and Torsten Kerl addressed in the other 27 reviews. Someone needs to be more careful about cross-referencing reviews of similarly titled items.

NOT a TV production and NOT by Brian Large. But a MUST-HAVE!
I agree, it's a great production and a must-have. However, this is NOT a TV production. It was a production created at the Deutsche Oper, it became part of its (at the time) vast repertoire (in those days, the Deutsche Oper presented more than 50 different operas per season), it was performed many times in Berlin before it was rented to the Vienna Staatsoper. So what you see in this DVD is actually a filmed stage performance that was at the time broadcast on German TV. More importantly, the previous reviewer says Brian Large directed this production. Brian Large, however, is not a stage director, but a video director. Claiming he did this production is like saying he did the legendary Bayreuth Chereau-"Ring" (for which he also directed and edited the camera work at the filming). This "Tote Stadt" was directed by Götz Friedrich, Karan Armstrong's husband and at the time the General Manager of the Deutsche Oper. Friedrich was one of the major figures of the early Regietheater...

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Mystery Trooper

Subtract a few stars if you expect a good serial
"The Mystery Trooper" is a 10 chapter serial produced in 1931 by Harry S. Webb, under the "Wonder Serials" name, directed by Stuart Paton and released by Syndicate Pictures. The story is by Flora E. Douglas, with continuity and dialogue by Carl Krusada. While it has been called the worst serial ever made, such an honour depends on how "worst" is defined, and while certainly a top contender it helps illustrate how the "Poverty Row" producers dealt with making early sound films. My "4-star" rating is mostly from finding that Grapevine's DVD was from the original version, and not an indication of the merits of the serial or of the transfer quality.

The story has Jack Logan (Robert Frazer) inheriting half a map from his uncle, who years earlier had quarreled with his partner over discovery of a lost Indian gold mine near Moosehead, somewhere in Canada. Jack goes to Moosehead, but is followed by a gangster, Mack (Charles King) who plots with Jean Gregg (Al Ferguson), trading...

"The King of Serials...VCI Entertainment ~ "The Mystery Trooper (1931)"
VCI Entertainment and Guaranteed Pictures Co Inc present "The Mystery Trooper" (1931) (Dolby digitally remastered), (a.k.a."Trail of the Royal Mounted") with 10 Chapters of vintage serial episodes jam packed with thrilling action sequences and stunts that will keep you on the edge of your seat...our story opens with this all talkie serial with a map that leads to a rich mysterious Indian mine hidden up in the hills...our hero Jack Logan (Robert Frazer) has in his possession half of the map that Mack (Charles King) is bent on stealing during all 10 the heroine Helen (Blanche Mehaffey) and her brother Billy (Buzz Barton) in danger because they too have another part of the map...will our story get anymore exciting with the help of the evil French trader Jean Gregg (Al Ferguson) who is behind most of the skullduggery...can the identity of the cloaked Northwest Mounted Police Constable (The Mystery Trooper) be the answer to clear up all the mysteries that lie ahead... ...but...

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DVD-Explore John Day Fossil Beds with Noah Justice

Interesting, informative Creation Science DVD!
Filmed on location, the John Day Fossil Beds DVD is interesting and engaging. It is very informative, and well-explained. The DVD is presented in a lecture style, with lots of visuals and illustrations to explain the science. Although it is very interesting, it isn't the most entertaining of DVDs. Younger children will likely lose interest in the presentation, unless it is a topic that fascinates them. This series would most interest children ages 10 - 14. The study guide is basically a script of the DVD, with blanks for children to fill in. There were some sentences that the study guide skipped, but 90% of the information was included word-for-word.

My 12 year old son watched the DVD for his science lesson one day. He enjoyed the presentation, though he didn't use the study guide. I asked him if he'd enjoy watching it again, and he said yes. Next time, I'll try to get his 9 year old brother and 13 year old sister to watch it as well.

The video is very...

Creation Science with Evidence!
I was a part of a conversation just a few days ago that involved someone making the bold claim that no one had ever presented any scientific proof that creationism could be true. Not only does that statement show a lack of research done by that person, but it also greatly illustrates the need for series and books such as the Awesome Science with Noah Justice series. Those of us who believe in a literal 6 day creation period should be well equipped to defend our position. Our family has been incredibly blessed to be allowed to review this entire series and I'm thankful that I have the resources on hand to start teaching my children not only what we believe but that it absolutely CAN be backed up with scientific evidence. The Bible and science can walk hand and hand. This is why I'm excited to be able to share with you my review of the last episode of the second season, Awesome Science with Noah Justice: Explore the John Day Fossil Beds.

Over 15,000 feet thick, the...

Fast Paced and Educational Science Film
I have spent the last half hour viewing the DVD entitled Explore John Day Fossil Beds with Noah Justice which was filmed onsite in Oregon. This is a science DVD that is presented in a high quality, fast paced, interesting way and it's all done with a Biblical worldview. This was refreshing to see, as I have always found it difficult to purchase a science video without having to deal with the evolutionary thought process that so easily pervades most scientific films in today's world. No worries here! Awesome Science Video Series has done a great job of presenting the facts with a Biblical worldview.

With fourteen year old Noah Justice as the guide, kids of all ages are sure to have a blast as they explore this national site. The Awesome Science Video crew did an outstanding job of filming. Because of the way it was done, it feels like you are actually traveling the road with Noah Justice as your guide.

Noah Justice has such an engaging that no matter who is...

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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Streets of San Francisco: Season Five, Vol. 1

Last season of great '70s detective series
The Streets of San Francisco (1972-1977) was a terrific detective show that ran for 5 seasons, and for the first 4 starred newcomer Michael Douglas and screen veteran Karl Malden as detective partners. When Douglas left the show after Season 4 to pursue a movie career, he was replaced by Richard Hatch, a good-looking, creditable actor who was previously on the soap All My Children, and would go on to appear in Dynasty and Battlestar Galactica. Unfortunately the show's ratings dropped after Douglas' departure, but even in its final season it remained well-written and action-packed, and attracted a good roster of guest stars. Below is a list of all episodes & featured stars in this Season 5, Volume 1 3DVD set:

Disc 1

The Thrill Killers, Part 1* - Patty Duke, James Shigeta
The Thrill Killers, Part 2* - Susan Dey, Barry Sullivan
Dead or Alive - Howard Duff, Max Gail
The Drop - Parker Stevenson, Dabney Coleman

Disc 2

No Minor...

Great Stories, Awesome Guest Stars
I write this review totally unbiased and without nostalgia as I never watched this show during its original ABC run so this series is completely new to me. I bought this because two of my favorite actors of this era had guest spots on this volume. Max Gail ("Barney Miller") plays a rapist with a half-a-million-dollar price tag on his head thanks to the wealthy father (Howard Duff) of his latest victim. Gary Lockwood ("The Lieutenant") shows up as a vengeful ex-con who spent 20 years in prison for a gang initiation gone awry.

While I initially only bought this volume for those two episodes, the show's sharp writing and impressive guest-star roster drew me in. The installments featuring Jessica Walter and Desi Arnaz Jr. are equally good.

Never a Michael Douglas fan (too smug) or Karl Malden either for that matter, I find Richard Hatch much more engaging even if the scripts give him little to do except deliver exposition. I didn't care much for the Don Johnson...

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Tutto Verdi Highlights [Blu-ray]

Excellent Way to Preview New Verdi Series
This is a sampler; it contains one selection each from most,, but not all, of the complete Verdi operas being released by C Major/Unitel Classica between now and next Spring. Since buying the entire series involves a substantial cash outlay over time, the disc gives the potential buyer a limited opportunity to evaluate performances because most excerpts feature one performer. On the plus side, disc quality in this series seems to be first rate, with all operas being made from an HD master, with very fine surround sound, and subtitles in "E, F, Sp, I, Chin, Kor, Jap". Some operas will be first time DVDs while others face varying levels of competition from existing discs.

All operas are performed by the Teatro Regio di Parma, a tough venue for singers, since the Parmigiani are a very demanding bunch in the audience. Some performances are done in the Teatro Giuseppe Verdi in Busetto, a venue I like a lot since it seats only 300 and the stage is about 30 m deep. Orchestral work...

you get what you pay for....or maybe just a little bit more
I have a considerably lower opinion of this disk than John Gleason in another review, but am deeply indebted to him for his careful and detailed analysis, which was the reason for my purchase. I paid around 9 dollars from a reseller, and feel it was worth it, but if this disk had been much more expensive, I'd have felt cheated and would say to others to hold off. I found five or six of the excerpts at "Met level" or thereabouts, but the others considerably less strong. Beyond that something Mr. Gleason doesn't comment on is the production value of the video (not the staging, but the sound and photography). (By the way, all of my references are to the Blu-Ray version, which is the one I bought.) It was a real disappointment to me. E.g., the quartet at the end of Rigoletto did not utilize the potential of modern individual miking technology to bring out individual voices/harmonies/vocal interactions. I have no idea how it was miked (radio or whatever), but I have heard many Blu-Ray...

Well Worth Buying
This is a pretty nice intro to the Box set and it gives you some idea of the production and vocal values of some of the operas. I wish we could have seen more of the lesser known opera like Alzira, I Masnadieri etc. instead of the old war horses which have many different DVD's available.

Just from seeing this single DVD I can honestly say that the box set is NOT worth buying - some of the individual operas are - especially ones like Alzira - but most of the War Horses are available in better productions with famous singers.

These operas are all set in small provincial opera houses and some of the staging is minimalist at best. The Il Trovatore staging was not only awful but so was the singing. I didn't got for the White Bed, Candles and Red Moon for Di Quella Pira. I suggest if you want that opera get either the Met version with Pavarotti or the TDK with Domingo. Both are better sung, and the Domingo is the well stages - the Met is pretty poor staging...

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Complete Piano Sonatas Nos 1-32 [Blu-ray]

It's very, very good...
...if your expectations are not out of line with what is being presented.

These performances were recorded in ca. 1984 on 35mm film then much later transferred to BD format, with some recordings presenting better than others as he moves from room to room in notable Vienna palaces/living spaces, changing the available light and acoustics with each passing piece. The sound quality and image quality are commensurate with a 35mm film process: if you are expecting surround DTS-HD and 4000+ pixel digital images at high frame rates from a Red Epic or an ARRI Alexa, you're probably going to be disappointed. These videos are very good 35mm quality overall, except perhaps the Appassionata in F minor, no. 23, which suffers from low-light shallow depth-of-field focus issues. The sound is in stereo format, not 5.1 or 7.1, etc.

In terms of the performance itself, Barenboim has an amazingly disarming command of these compositions, once you realize that all 32 sonatas are...

Third of Four
Daniel Barenboim memorized the 32 Beethoven piano sonatas when he was only 17 years of age, and has performed them for half a century. During that time he has recorded at least four complete cycles:
(1) His first recording for Westminster is excerpted in the 3-LP set "Prodigy and Genius: Barenboim and Beethoven." One copy is currently available on eBay.
(2) At the age of 24 he signed a contract with EMI to record his second cycle (1966/69), and it appeared on quality vinyl in a 1970 boxed set, used copies of which can still be found by those who seek to do so. Earlier this year, EMI re-released the cycle on CD, in a significantly better mastering than the previous 1998 CD release.
(3) Metropolitan Video produced and Jean-Pierre Ponnelle directed a third cycle in various acoustically excellent and photogenic settings from 1981 to 1984, and DGG released the soundtrack on audio cassette, "digital LP" and CD (the cover photograph shows Barenboim in the same...

Excellent, but I prefer the live set from Berlin
This set was recorded in 1983 and 1984 in four different "palaces" and castles, showing Barenboim at what one might call his middle period. His first recording of the Beethoven sonatas on disc, in his mid-twenties, bore the impetuousness of youth. His later interpretations, such as the mid-1980s cycle for DG, show wisdom acquired through experience. These films are from that period, and catch Barenboim at a stage where he had been playing these works for decades. His performances here are polished and refined, though lacking the sparkle of the 2005 live recordings. Barenboim is generally expressionless as he performs, and, while he gets a bit animated at times, his face betrays very little.

The filming is unadventurous. Edits are conservative, there are lots of long shots, and not many showing Barenboim's dazzling finger-work. There is much attention to the surroundings; the buildings are merely the setting for the music, however, and shouldn't be more than that. There are...

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Bloomer Girl

Wonderful production of 1956 TV version of 1944 Broadway hit musical with Agnes De Mille dances included.
This is the latest in the recent series of musicals that were adapted for television in the 1950s being released by VAI Video. The productions are "condensed" versions - which include the "hits" - squeezing a two-hour show into 60-70 minutes PLUS commercials. Musically, this is my favorite so far.

If you found this review by searching Amazon you probably know something about the musical so I won't go into too much detail about it but will concentrate on the DVD release. Briefly, the 1944 musical takes place in a "hoop skirt factory" on the eve of the Civil War. It's about women's rights, slavery and racism - topics that composers Harold Arlen and "Yip" Harburg turn into wonderful songs. The big hit here is "The Eagle and Me" sung beautifully by Rawn Spearman. Spearman gets to sing again, along with two fellow African Americans (including actor Brock Peters - here listed as "Broc" in the credits) for "I Got A Song", a song new to me but beautifully performed. Barbara Cook...

Placing this video in context is a little like trying to reconstruct a vanished
civilization from artefacts. It brings us back to a time when Broadway musicals
were central in American life. Everyone knew about them, went to them, played the
records...and saw them revived almost every week on television. The showings were
cut way down from the original Broadway running time, but they featured the kind of
performers who were working prominently on Broadway in this era--Barbara Cook was
about to go into Plain and Fancy and then The Music Man, and Keith Andes was in
between replacing Alfred Drake in Kiss Me, Kate and playing opposite Lucille Ball
in Wildcat. And Agnes de Mille was recreating two of her Bloomer Girl dances, the
one following "It Was Good Enough For Grandma" and the famous Civil War Ballet.
So this tape brings us back to a longlost time. The cutdown script is not so
great, but what's left of the score is wonderful, and...

Theater History
Shows it age--both in the show itself and the production--but historically signficant for preserving a visual of a classic score/show. And how wodnerful to see a young Barbara Cook in action.

Peter A.

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Volleyball with Misty May

Great tutorial
This DVD is great for someone just learning the game or trying to perfect their form. I started playing beach volleyball last year at the age of 37. It's a lot harder than what I remembered in high school gym class! This DVD definitely has given me tools on how to perfect my form so I can play harder. I highly recommend this DVD.

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Bagels with Bruce

Cool mini-series
This review is for the Criterion Collection DVD edition of the series.

Tanner 88 is a TV miniseries which aired on HBO during the 1988 election year. It portrays the campaign a fictional presidential candidate by the name of Jack Tanner.

He is ultra liberal and nominates Ralph Nader for Commerce secratary, Gloria Steinem for Health secratary and other actvists for cabinet positions.

The film has a cast of many famous people playing themselves, including the late country singer, Waylon Jennings, Bob Dole, Pat Robertson, Gary Hart, and many others.

The show ran for 11 episodes starting with the beginning of his campaign to his loss of the nomination to Michael Dukakis.

I found it to be interesting and had some interesting humor in it also. Also since the show aired on HBO it contains language and scenes not shown on regular television. It would get a TV MA for language and sensuality if aired today.

The Criterion DVD...

Tanner is for real
Tanner is an odd bird, it hasn't aged quite as well as i thought it would...yet it remains interesting and sometimes fascinating. The performances are all over the place, sometimes great (Micheal Murphy especially) and sometimes alomst cartoonish...this could be a result of the writing...Trudeau is a cartoonist after all. Being taped on video gives it an odd look as well. Still i watched the whole thing in one sitting and wanted it gets 4 stars. (the interview with Altman and Trudeau is a nice plus)

Robert Altman's Mockumentary MASTERPIECE
This is one of the most important things Alman's done. Which is probably why it's one of his favorites along with MASH and NASHVILLE and SHORT CUTS. It is a political satire set in the '88 presidential election. It has everything and more, even a sequal, Tanner On Tanner. Very smart and sophisticated. CHECH IT OUT NOW!!!!!!

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Knowledge Is the Beginning & Ramallah Concert

Excellent film
This is a very important documentary about a wonderful experiment in international relations. The orchestra created by Daniel Barenboim and Edward Said brings together Arab and Jewish young people, who blend well in making beautiful music. The first disc provides the background for the orchestra and clips of various concerts. The second disc is a full-blown concert a few years later.

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Friday, October 25, 2013

Coming Home: Israel Philharmonic 75th Anniversary [Blu-ray]

An exhilarating concert with everyone on absolutely top form
This 75th Anniversary concert, recorded in 2011 at Tel Aviv in Hanger 11, is a spectacular success on every level.Clearly this anniversary meant a great deal to the players and audience and the whole event rises to the occasion in a way that is really quite special.

The concert starts with an assured and exciting performance of Saint Saens' Introduction and Rondo played by Julian Rachlin who adds a thoughtfully satisfying Sarabande from Bach's second Partita as an encore. Expectations were high therefore as Kissin settled down to deliver as fine a performance of Chopin's fist piano concerto as I have heard. This was full of detail and nuance without, for a single moment, losing the wonderful effect of spontaneous music making. The number of meltingly beautiful moments throughout this concerto were almost beyond number. Interestingly it was not a brilliant performance in terms of virtuoso speed. Those characteristics, which he demonstrated at Warsaw on a previous anniversary...

More than just a concert
This is a fascinating Blu-ray in many ways. First and foremost, it marks the 75th anniversary of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Curiously, as good as the concert is, I didn't really detect extra emotion from the players or audience related to this major occasion. But the accompanying documentary (nearly an hour long) fills this gap nicely.

The documentary effectively charts the history of the orchestra, hitting all the highlights. Benefiting from a large number of interviews with orchestra members past and present, it shows how the orchestra has attracted stellar musicians from around the world, originally largely from Germany and Austria, and more recently from Russia. It also touches on Arturo Toscanini's early championing, Leonard Bernstein's injections of excitement, and the five-decade relationship with Zubin Mehta, who has helped the orchestra maintain its Central European sound through all these years. I found it very interesting, and as you might expect, moving...

Great performance by Kissin
The Israel Philharmonic does its usual superb job, especially when under the direction of Mehta. Kissin gives a spectacular performance of Chopin. And the DVD has an fantastic added bonus about the Israel Philharmonic with commentaries by Mehta, Barenboim, Zuckerman and many others connected with the Orchestra

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Reichorchester [Blu-ray]

Playing for Germany
"Then all of a sudden the portrait of Mendelssohn vanished". Thus begins the Berlin Philharmonic's 12-year period under Nazi control. The Philharmonic had been owned by the musicians, but in early 1934 Josef Goebbels' propaganda ministry took over and the orchestra became part of the effort to promote the superiority of German culture. But as this fine documentary makes clear, it was never a "Nazi orchestra". There were a handful of committed Nazis who intimidated their colleagues, and the 4 Jewish members soon emigrated. As to the rest, some eventually joined the Nazi party, whether out of careerism or self-preservation, while the rest made sure not to rock the boat. And there were good reasons not to, aside from the political threat - they were, after all, the elite Berlin Philharmonic, with Furtwangler as their conductor; who would want to give that up? When war broke out, the musicians were deemed essential in their propaganda role, and none was obliged to enter military service,...

Superb documentary of Berlin Philharmonic in Third Reich
I can only add my words of praise to everyone else. This documentary is a superb telling of the Berlin Philharmonic during the Third Reich. It doesn't gloss over, it doesn't condemn - it simply tells you what it was like and allows you to make your own decisions. I learned a great deal from this documentary that I hadn't realized before.

I do confess, however, to curiosity over why there is NO mention of von Karajan conducting the Berlin Philharmonic during the Third Reich. Of course, he wasn't the principal conductor - that was Furtwangler - but Karajan WAS a guest conductor during that period, plus, he was Goring's protege, Hitler had named him State Conductor, etc. It's simply curious that he was totally absent - they mentioned other guest conductors, etc., but never him. Oh, well, no matter. Even without him, this was a superb documentary which I enjoyed immensely and learned a great deal from.

The Art of Moral Compromise
This documentary by Enrique Sánchez Lansch focuses on a fascinating and under-examined historical subject--how the Berlin Philharmonic, Germany's preeminent orchestra, adapted itself to the political and cultural realities under the Nazi regime from 1933 to 1945. The orchestra, known for its brilliant musicianship under the legendary conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler, had to toe the party line under Hitler's rule, purging its Jewish members (four of the musicians were forced to leave) and allowing itself to be used for propaganda purposes in Germany and on foreign tours. Archival footage shows the orchestra playing at Nazi party conferences, before and after speeches by Hitler and Goebbels, and during the opening ceremonies of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin under the grim, watchful eyes of the military and political elite. In return for its cooperation, the Philharmonic was granted a number of special privileges. Its members were exempt from military service and enjoyed a...

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Just B Live - Foam Roller Core Workout with Bonus Mat Sculpt

Maybe the best pilates workout I've done ever.
Bernadette Giorgi's foam roller workout is the most...peaceful killer workout ever. What do you mean? Well, not only are you centred, as you tend to be doing Bernadette's workouts, but you work every aspect of your body, while getting a great massage from the foam roller. And yes, of course giving your core the most amazing workout. Bernadette doesn't just do basic pilates, but she adds her own little twists to things, extra holds, little extra twists: things that you don't really see in 'traditional' pilates, but things that Bernadette are known for, and quite frankly what I love about her practices. The little touch of "differences".

The practice is about one hour long. You actually DON'T need a foam roller for this workout. When I first did this live class, I didn't have access to my foam roller, but if you know how to do pilates, you know how to make it work without it. (Some will require you to do things like mountain climbers, or just alternate legs, etc). But DO try...

Pretty good
A bit disappointed with this dvd. It was just not as challenging or informative as I had hoped. Would not buy another from this series.

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Love & Valor: The Intimate Civil War Letters

Love & Valor: The Intimate Civil War Letters
For those of us interested in the Civil War, whenever such private letters and/or diaries are made accessible to we all benefit from the added information and personal perspective that they contain. I have not yet read the book, and after watching this video it is something that I intend to do. The video can only provide snippets of the entire correspondence, and since it consists of day-to-day matters, in this medium it may seem a little dry to some. One incidental thing about this video: about halfway through I clued into the soft background music. For some reason it had piqued my interest and seemed familiar - but could figure out what it was for about 30 seconds... when I realized that it was "Deutschland über alles" (now the German national anthem). I guess being in a Civil War context it wouldn't register in my mind, but I knew what it was, I thought it a nice touch. Many, many Germans left central Europe in the war of the 1848/49 revolution, many were "liberal" and...

Civil war
This was very good! I Highly Recommend watching this DVD! This was a very well made DVD and would purchase it again as a gift!

I enjoyed the family history given. The interviews and the trips to the places where incidents happened. Anyone who collects Civil War movies must see this. There is information here on little known conflicts as well.

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La Traviata

More of a spectacle than an opera performance
It's good within the limitations of an outdoor event.

I didn't like the very prominent microphones or the frequent panning of the camera to what were presumably sponsors names on city buildings

La Traviata - Brilliant performance and audio
Operas should be revitalised by new inspiration to make them relevant to today's new audiences rather than preserved in camphor. Opera Australia's new venture of a once-a-year opera performance on Sydney Harbour is a way of doing this as it challenges even the most basic tenets of putting on an opera. Directed by Francesca Zambello this La Traviata is a triumph of technical ingenuity in every aspect from the floating mirrored stage, to the suspension of the giant chandelier, to the amazing audio.

The stage props are necessarily sparse as there is minimal space for storage and no convenient curtain to effect scene changes behind. Yet, the props used are stunningly oversized and have impact, seamlessly moved into place, or removed, as part of the show. The stage itself conceals the orchestra `pit' below, so that performers and conductor can only see each other via video screens, and it is this, plus the challenges of recording anything out of doors that makes the quality of...

This an easy review. Four new releases from OPERA AUSTRALIA and are all SPECTACULAR, CREATIVE, and among the best new stagings I have recently viewed. They are not perfect; but, DO THEY WORK !!!
They are LAKME, RIGOLETTO, DON GIOVANNI, and this new TRAVIATA. I will be reviewing each in the next few days. Do yourself a favor and try all four. They are bold new and creative settings with mostly excellent musical values and fine detailed stage directorial touches.
1) Emma Matthews is the real thing a great coloratura VIOLETTA with a stunning high Eflat. She is also an accomplished actress. Her embellishments are great, runs, staccatti, every thing is easy and natural for her. She has it all and it's really her show all the way!
2) The production is updated to Sydney Harbor on a wonderful all flexible theatrical barge with the Opera House and Sydney Harbor for a back drop... it works.
3) Modern setting and colorful dress costumes that work and are "eye...

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