Friday, October 11, 2013

Big Time Bloopers

It will not play
I started to play it and it never starts so it kinda sucks. Could anyone help me? If you do thanks.

I'm 41 and so sucked into this show.
With all the lazy reality show hoopla I relish a show this clever, well-written, and well acted. I know because it's aimed at kids there is some hamminess involved but look at the singing and dancing and how much PHYSICAL humor is involved. Everyone is a pro. REALLY excited Nick signed them on for a fourth season (though having been to a few concerts they are obviously a cash cow.)

Re: this episode, it's one of a handful when I like the sidestory(s) better. Not going to spoil anything but I gasped when it happened then gasped even louder when it happened again. Perfect.

I love all the music industry pushing the 4th wall stuff and actually think I have a way to work the creepy fanfiction angle without crossing a line if anyone at Nick is interested LOL.

Good, clean entertainment for the entire family
I love these guys. Sure, their show is goofy and full of silly antics, but come on -- these guys never promised to be something more than that. What they set out to deliver was good, clean entertainment that the entire family can watch together -- and I believe they hit their mark. The Double Date episode appeals to all ages -- the childishness of Carlos, James good-hearted attempt to "save" his friend, the weird on-again / off-again relationship between Logan and Camille, and the anticipation of a possible relationship between Kendall and Lucy.

We had a TV pass for Season 2 and now have a TV pass for Season 3; my kids love it, my husband loves it, I love it. We all get to spend some time watching a show together, laugh together about their crazy antics, and later on we share funny quotes or snippets from the show. From this episode, my kids still get a chuckle out of Gustavo being hit by a fish...James falling onto the creme brulee and leaving his mustache...and my...

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