Thursday, October 10, 2013


The forgotten Frankenstein finally gets its due
Although this 1993 t.v.-movie was largely eclipsed by the big-screen Kenneth Brannaugh film the following year, it's actually the superior film in many ways. First of all, the production values are extremely high. It's easy to forget one is watching "just a t.v. movie." The mostly-British cast is also top-notch, and the late and talented director David Wickes really caputures them at their best. And while not completely faithful to the source novel (no screen version has really done the book justice), it does capture the story's sense of dread rather well, and quite a few scenes ARE in fact straight from the book. In addition, there's a rousing musical score that's probably the best I've ever heard in a non-theatrical production. There's even some well-handled gore that was pretty shocking 20 years ago. . .and still holds up pretty well.

If you're a fan of Frankenstein, or just literate, intelligent horror in general, I highly recommend you give this one a try.

"Nobody's ever done a Frankenstein like this one and nobody's ever done a better one" (Houston Chronicle).

That says a lot about the Houston Chronicle. I'm not familiar with that newspaper but I guess it's kind of a joke. How much were they paid to say that?

I've seen them all and I'm having trouble thinking of a worse one. But I'm not including "joke" ones like Bikini Frankenstein! But of all the serious attempts at Frankenstein, this is lowly. Bad acting, bad script, and the music: Omen-like music is hilarious!

Also, it says it is based on the original story by Mary Shelley. BARELY. Yes, there is a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who created a being. I guess that's what they mean by "based on".

Unless you are a Frankenstein "completest" I wouldn't bother watching, let alone owning, this one.

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