Saturday, October 12, 2013

La Pastorela: The Shepherd's Tale

Oh you angels from on high!
This is a great movie. It's a fine Christmas movie, but it's just a great movie for any time. Where I come from, this story is called "Los Pastores." It's a lovely Hispano Christmas tradition--it goes with Posadas--where the whole town goes house to house with Mary & Joseph searching for a room at the inn--and in my part of the world folks have old handwritten scripts in endless archaic Spanish. It's funny, bawdy, and it used to be put on yearly in my town.

But no one is willing to memorize the enormous scripts any more. Kids don't want to rehearse three times a week for a month before Christmas. So lots of people have never seen Los Pastores, or even heard of it.

La Pastorela is Los Pastores with the best folks imaginable for every part. This is the story of a bunch of shepherds who go off looking for the baby Jesus. They get drunk. They get lost. Linda Ronstadt as the Archangel (I think it's Michael) helps them along. They encounter the devil with all his stinky...

A Wonderful Christmas Movie we NEED on DVD/Blu-Ray!
The owners of this movie must be out there somewhere, and have a potential treasure on their hands...this movie is so special and so unique and has such a powerful Christmas message...I can't believe it has vanished.

You have a ready made audience for a special DVD release with just a little advertising... You have Linda Rondstat, Cheech Marin, and other well known actors you can promote, including the dude from that show my wife watches :-)

Anyway, I can't believe I have to put up with my faded and crappy home taped copy of this great movie. Get a move on and release this on DVD!!!

A Very Well-Kept Secret: La Pastorela
This classic Mexican Nativity play has it all ~ great singing, clever writing, darling kids, classic religous Nativity scenes, the conquering of eternal darkness by the Light of Christ, battles with he-who-must-not-be-named (the BIG Diablo)and Father Guido Sarducci of SNL fame.

Our ancient VHS tape which is like 17 years old barely plays any more and the quality is crud.

I would love to have a DVD of this Christmas classic. Amazon, are you listening? MOre people would LOVE this if it was available. It also features some of the very best singing in any movie ever, the solo of the actor who plays Lucifer and Linda Ronstadt's amazing vocals are especially awesome. The music itself is gorgeous.

DVD-it, please!!

Deborah J. Yost
Lincoln NE
12 December, 2008
The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

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