Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Vampires: Brighter in Darkness

Grab a!
One wants to be kind, but "Vampires: Brighter in Darkness" is the kind of movie that looks like it was made by a lonely, industrious but untalented twelve-year-old boy with (a) an interest in the occult and older boys (not necessarily in that order); (b) a computer that you absolutely know is, sadly, his best friend; and (c) a nifty, down-and-dirty FX video editing program he recently got from a coupon he found on the back of a bag of his favorite crisps, which you also absolutely know he eats far too many of. For the record, this kid is obsessed with his editing program, and not in any way that makes a positive contribution to his filmmaking. In fact, if you removed every "special" effect from "Vampires: Brighter in Darkness," it would be vastly improved and about 10 minutes long. Poor image quality, ridiculous plot, generally lame dialogue aside, this is a very bad movie indeed, one that makes you feel every second of its two-hour length. On the bright side, the fangs look good,...

Sophomoric film
Weak plot. Terrible (na

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