Friday, October 18, 2013

Zumba Fitness Gold Live It Up DVD Set for the Baby Boomer Generation

Granny got moves!!
Now this is a Zumba I can handle with my 60 year old body! My daughters-in-law tell me that soon I might even be able to handle the regular version that they use. Now I don't know about that, but I am having a blast with the gold version!

This is great for me. I am over sixty and the pace and the dances are well suited for me. It allows me to work at a slower pace and it is really working. I have only used it for three days now, but I can't wait to see the final results.

Zummba Fitness Gold
it works for the 'older' person, and is very well demonstated and a fun workout. My 5 year old grandson enjoys working out with me.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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