Saturday, October 12, 2013

Avengers Assemble! [HD]

The second season got off to a slow start...
...but it's starting to improve. (Although the new opening for each episode sounds like it's aimed at 8-year olds, and I see that the PC forces have converted Thor from the "God of Thunder", to the "Prince of Thunder".) In any event, the stories are starting to become more mature and more complex again. I hope this indicates a trend toward matching the quality of season one.

Reminiscent of 1990s Batman
Espisode 2x19 "Code Red" is reminiscent of 1990s Batman, with a plot based on political intrigue and duplicitous villains. It has the rare effect of making me wish the episode lasted longer. Generally "Mightiest Heroes" has consisted of very short stories, even in its two-parters and long arcs, but "Code Red" seems to cry out for 10 more minutes of exposition.

But that's a good thing, a glowing result, in fact. This cartoon offers up good action and plot, and leaves me wanting just a little more. Kind of the perfect recipe.

Season 2 just got better.
Season 2 is still more of an all-ages show, watered down from Season 1, but things just got better with episode 17. Now we're back to just a hint of maturity and layered characters. I think this episode has the first use of the word "die" so far in this season.

Still, it's not quite as violent and sharply toned as Season 1. Remember, Season 1 had the theme song starting with the lyric "The world's about to break." The episodes made good on that promise with things like Banner defending the Hulk's heroism and Ant Man hating Stark's guts. Season 1 was about as mature as "Batman Beyond," where season 2 is closer to Justice League or The Batman.

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