Friday, October 11, 2013

Swing Dance Lessons on DVD Vol 1 & 2 (Two Disc Set Instructional Swing Dance DVDs)

By far a very simple way to learn some, at first glance, pretty complex moves that have totally made it easier for me to lead as a guy on swing night. My first time going, I just kept on going back to the same moves over and over again, which was fun, but got boring after a while. This DVD helped me to broaden my horizon on moves that I can do with my partner and spend a lot less time standing and wondering, "Which move should I do next?" and "How do we do that one move?" Easy to follow and motivating!

Great Intro to Swing Dancing
If you've ever wanted to learn how to country swing dance, this DVD set is the perfect place for beginners. Jared starts off slow, introducing the basic steps, and slowly picks up the pace. By the end you will be able to do more complex moves, combinations, and several dips. While you won't learn any advanced lifts with these DVDs, this is definitely a great place to start. I've been country swing dancing for 6+ years and have owned several "Learn to Country Swing Dance" DVDs over the years (including a previous version made by Jared) - this one is by far the most in depth, and best put-together (production-wise) dance DVD I've used.

Ticket to swing stardom!
If you wanna learn the easy way, I think these DVDs are perfect. Jared teaches a wide range of dance steps and moves, so you won't get bored if you're experienced and you won't be out of your league if you're a beginner! The instructions are clear and easy, the background setting fun, and the format is perfect for an instructional DVD. Highly recommended!

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