Friday, October 18, 2013

Bhangra Beats: Round 1

Great workout, could use better camera
I found bhangra music/dancing on a visit to India and was very excited to see it put into the form of a workout. The DVD is broken down into move training and two workouts. I STRONGLY recommend taking the time to go through learning the moves before you start the workouts proper. These are helpful and if you are not the type to quickly pick up on moves, you'd be lost very fast if you simply started the workouts.

My only complaint is that the camera often doesn't show the dancers' whole bodies, but just thighs and above. I would have rather had a total body view all the time, since footwork is the primary action in bhangra.

Bhangra Beats is an amazing new workout that became and instant favorite in my household! My wife and I both do the workout individually and together and we're even beginning to get our 14 and 16 year old daughters into it. The host of the workout does an excellent job of teaching the user all the moves used throughout the workout and keeps the user very engaged throughout the workout with his high energy and clear instructions. The music that accompanies the workout is also very enjoyable!

I've tried other aerobic DVDs, but this one is my hands-down favorite! I couldn't say enough great things about this DVD and recommend it to anyone of all ages, sizes and experience levels!

Also, be sure to check out for previews of the workout. Can't wait for Bhangra Beats: Round 2!

Great introduction to bhangra
I love this DVD! I have been a belly dancer for many years, and wanted to learn some other forms of dance that could be blended with belly dance - this DVD was a great introduction to bhangra, the basics of the foot and leg work, arm positions, etc. It's really helpful for demonstrating some of the core moves in a clearly-described and patient manner!

This is a very physically demanding form of dance! It gives you a workout, whether you are looking for one or not!

Two things that stand out in this DVD: it is very reminiscent of old school aerobics - similar foot work in some cases - and, not surprisingly, since the instructor is a man, the moves are very masculine. There are other materials out there that demonstrate more feminine bhangra dance moves - but regardless of that, I still love this DVD!

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