Saturday, October 19, 2013

Goofy's Giant Adventure [HD]

A big help on a recent road trip!
We traveled to California from Colorado recently, with two of my granddaughters often in MY car! Keeping a 3-yr old and a 4-yr old happy for the day while driving 800 miles (there first and last days journeys!) was a bit of a challenge. My daughter had had the foresight to download several game apps and shows onto our kindles before starting our journey, and this was one of them...both girls loved watching "Mickey", which was even more fun on our way home, since we'd been lucky enough to have visited Disneyland while in California, and both girls had met Mickey and his cohorts!

My Toddler Loves This Show
This is a great show for little kids. I think it is educational and fun, and the graphics are a lot more modern than the Mickey Mouse cartoons I used to watch as a child.

The series is good but the purchasing options, not so much.
Our daughter loves Micky Mouse and the content is carefully crafted to provide value without relying on an over-arching villain or bad guy.

The problem with this product really centers on how it is available. Instead of being able to buy the entire season you have to purchase it piecemeal 1 episode at a time for either $1.99 or $2.99 if you want HD. At 30+ episodes for season its quite the racket they have going.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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