Friday, October 11, 2013

Operation Rich in Spirit

Another Great Episode of Robot Chicken
I bought this while traveling and streamed it to the computer. This is another great episode of robot chicken with one of the best Clown Car Crash scenes I have ever watched. Well worth the purchase and has led others into the Robot Chicken show via watching this one episode. I would recommend this to others as well as Amazons video viewing services. I am very pleased with these capabilities.

just plain funny
They poke fun at the people that need it most know the kind the ones that think the rules just don't apply to them

It's Robot Chicken
How does one review Robot Chicken? It's pretty much the perfect show for a guy staring forty in the face and still refusing to give up his cartoons or action figure collecting. It's bawdy, it's quick, and it makes inside jokes for those of us who bask in the joy of refusing to get old and boring.

Also, if you have ever liked an actor who is working now, Seth Green has probably gotten them to come make fun of themselves and/or the characters they have played. For me, the insanely long list of A-listers who have a sense of humor about themselves reads like a list of actors that have earned my money in their future endeavors.

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