Friday, October 11, 2013

Police State [HD]

Season Two is Better Than Season One
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura from Season 2 is an awesome show that brings up good points of what our government does from the shadows. I cannot wait for season four.

New stuff here
Liked this one. Jesse had on E. Howard Hunt's son, Hunt was one of the spooks who burglarized Watergate for Nixon. Jesse finds out that the burglars were looking for secret docs on the Kennedy assassination.

The best part was E. Howard Hunt's recorded death bed confession where he stated he was part of the "Event," which he claimed was the government take down of JFK.

Great episode. In fact, it is probably the best episode in the series. See it.

intereting but...
Pretty interesting but could be nothing more than smart business practice. I would imagine insurance is cheaper for underground warehouses.

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