Friday, October 11, 2013

Taking the White House

History at its best ... almost.
This comes from watching the first two "parts" of the series on TV as they aired. At times, the History Channel can be a history buff's best friend. This series is one of those times. I've seen reviews here and elsewhere complaining about the background audio levels. Personally, if I was to mention a "con" to this series (what I've seen so far), it would not be background audio. It would be historical accuracy. The "flow" is accurate. But they do get some of the specifics wrong. For example, the attempted murder of Mr. Frick did not take place in a hallway, it took place in Frick's office. There were two shots fired, not one, both hitting Frick in the neck region ... the latter of which caused severe bleeding. And, while there may have been a scuffle between Frick and his attacker, there was another person in Frick's office who did most of the scuffling with the attacker. Considering the bleeding, Frick's survival was more of a miracle than anything else. Anyway, accuracy...

Great show, even if you didn't think you were into history.
This show is so well done that you can get into it even if you aren't into history. Beautiful shots, interesting story lines, and all humanizing great men you've previously only heard about through the companies or landmarks they founded. Great choices for music and all brought together with fresh graphics. I also like how they bring in today's moguls to reflect on these amazing men that lived so long ago. Fascinating, well done and good entertainment/drama. Really inspirational to watch too. I was particularly intrigued by learning more about Carnegie since I grew up in Pittsburgh in a school district that had a Carnegie Elementary and then later attended Carnegie Mellon University.

If I had to list a complaint, I don't like that at least 2 or 3 times an episode they do a recap of the whole season. It's unnecessary and annoying. I'd understand if they did the recap at the beginning of each show, but multiple times during one show is redundant and frustrating. It sometimes...

You'll learn and be entertained
I am so glad when the history channel does a history program. With this series I learn new things and fill in gaps in my previous knowledge and at the end of each episode I am left wanting for more. This is a good program I hope they keep it up in general, not just with this series. When history is presented in a movie-like entertaining way, people learn. Not only do they learn but they become willing to learn more and even do some reading on it.

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