Sunday, October 13, 2013

Regular Show: Best DVD In the World (At This Moment In Time), Volume 2

An Improvement...
EDIT TO ADD: Regular Show: Season 1 & Season 2 are now available as a combined set!

Now here's my review...

Okay: First they gave us just a handful of episodes in "The Slack Pack" release. Now we're up to sixteen episodes in this latest offering.

Is this an improvement?


Would I, and indeed, most fans prefer it if they just skipped to the part where they start selling us whole seasons?

Also yes.

I'm not going to try to tell you whether you should or shouldn't buy this disk. You stand where you stand on that kind of thing. All I am going to say is that this is a seriously good cartoon. Although nominally only a kid's show, it's every bit as smart as most cartoons aimed solely at adults. While barely a year old as of the time of writing, it's already quite clear that it's well on its way to becoming a cult classic.


Love Love Love this show
I love this show it is hilarious but I am NOT going to waste money buying bits and pieces of seasons. I am going to continue to record episodes on my DVR until they release a full season DVD. I recommend we all boycott this crap because its just ridiculous. If we dont buy this trash they wont sell it like this. Wait for a full season DVD release.

You know who else likes this DVD? ... MY MOM!
Very good DVD collection if you have any knuckleheads or sarcastic kids living in your home. Two thumbs way up!

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