Thursday, October 17, 2013

Solti Conducts the Chicago Symphony Orchestra

Solti Conducts the CSO (box set)
Solti is at his most dynamic in this set of performances from Japan. For "Pictures At an Exhibition" there is a most
charming extra with Sir Georg rehearsing the players. These performances were produced toward the end of his
life and it is wonderful to see some of the long-time players still with him, some now with gray hair, etc. That BRASS
section? A miracle of sonic beauty. Unfortunately, Sony did not see fit to include ANY liner notes or other "extras".
Also, there are no sound format choices, something I find very helpful.
As a rabid fan of Solti, I could watch this man eat a bowl of soup and be thrilled. Granted, some people object to his
flamboyant way of conducting, but I prefer his methods to the dry and boring fuddy-duddies out there.

Solti and Chicago captured in their prime
This collection captures the magic of the Solti/Chicago partnership in its prime. The purchase of this set will not disapoint. As a bonus on the Mussorgsky disc you have Solti discussing the work as well as his personal insights and musical decisions in conducting this work.

This set is really a must-have for CSO fans. The picture and sound quality are terrific considering they are standard definition. A bonus to this set is that Adolph "Bud" Herseth, principal trumpet, is featured on several pieces. Bud played principal trumpet in that great CSO brass section for well over 50 years and there are some great shots of him playing. One of his trade marks of turning beet red while playing is well documented here. Mr. Herseth passed away earlier this year (2013) making this set of DVDs really special. His playing will be missed but his legacy as a player lives on through recorded media like this DVD set.

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