Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Dance [HD]

Copy of the UK program down to the sequence of the scripts!

A surprising number of US programs emanate from the UK (I.E. Shameless, The Office, Being Human and 3's Company). Sometimes the basic framework of the UK series is "borrowed" and reinvented in the US and other times the US Series is a complete carbon copy of the UK series. The US version of The Inbetweeners is most definitely the latter. In fact I can't remember seeing a US version of a UK series where not only was the plot identical, but the same scripts were utilized in an exact sequence. I have to believe that the R&D budget for the US Inbetweeners was essentially nil!

If you watched the UK series, there will be nothing new here and depending on your memory, you can even forecast the major comedic moments. My other main issue is one that seems to be common to programs offered on MTV. Namely, the use of a bleep button. I suppose that I understand that basic cable in the US does not offer the same latitude as regular programming in the UK,...

UK version is good though
This Americanized series is lame and the actors are not very funny, especially Simon and Will. The original UK version is funny as hell though.

Lost in translation
Same scripts but just highlights the difference between british and US humour. Watch the UK version as it is way funnier.

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