Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Whale Wars: Season 4

five stars
buy this. It's cheap at the price.five stars need more words. okay. any old words will do? o o o:-)

best season yet
I've been following this show since the beginning and this is the best season yet. This follows the lives of the quirky, self-righteous, and somewhat daring activists as they try to stop the Japanese whaling in Antarctica. There are no major collisions or boardings this time but we get plenty of action, intrigue, and foibles that depict their trials or just dealing with the inhospitable environment that is Antarctica. Pacing and editing is pretty much right on, especially for those who have already seen the prior seasons. On one level the activists seem more capable and less hapless than in prior seasons, and we also see some character development as they question their own dedication or even their willingness to die for the cause.

Sea Shepards Rule!
Paul Watson and his crew of the Steve Irwin along with the Bob Barker and the little speedboat that keeps changing its name really put their lives on the line for the whales in Antarctica! Every year its like a David and Goliath fight as they hunt down the Japanese Whaling Fleet and take them on themselves to stop hunting whales in a whale sanctuary. If you are at all interested in whale conservation, this is the show for you!

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