Sunday, October 20, 2013

Rendezvous [HD]

WARNING: A well thought out script.
My wife has watched this show since the beginning, but I never have as it interfered with my sleep schedule. After recently buying a new DVD player I was anxious to get started watching something. I bought "Alias Season 1" and "Six Feet Under" (which I would also recommend highly). Anyway, my plan was to watch one episode a week, or at most a couple, so I could make it last. So I'm thinking I can get through the 22 or so episodes in 10 weeks. Try 2.

Thats right! I would watch like three a day. I was addicted. Conversations in my house sounded something like this...

"Honey, come eat dinner."
"No, I'm watching Alias."

"Honey, help me with the groceries."
"No, I'm watching Alias."

"Honey, I'm pregnant."
"Wow, thats great, we'll talk later, I'm watching Alias."

I'm really serious. Every episode would end on such a cliffhanger you had to see at least the beginning of the next...

A great first season
Alias is, simply put, one of the best shows currently on TV. Few shows (especially action series) are able to move at such a fast pace, yet retain a truly human element throughout. The mark of a good show is the ability to keep the viewer begging for more, and Alias is a master at this, with every Act and/or episode ending capable of making me groan simply because I have to wait for the conclusion.

Jennifer Garner leads a superb cast as Sydney Bristow, a double agent for the CIA who, until recently, had been working for SD6, which she thought was a secret unit of the CIA, but is really part of a shadowy organization known as the Alliance. In this first season, she has to keep her affiliation with the CIA a secret from both her friends and with her coworkers at SD6, while finding out about the details of her mother's death, and her father's role in both the CIA *and* SD6.

The DVD set is presented in widescreen, with some documentaries, a gag reel, a few deleted scenes, and a...

Alias - an excellent show, well worth releasing on DVD soon!
I was extremely lucky to stumble across the first episode of Alias when it was shown on cable in the UK (Wednesdays on Sky One). Since then I have been an avid fan and have not missed a single episode. I am sure that I speak for many people in the UK when I say that I think it has been one of the best, nay, the best show to grace our screens in a long while. The story line is easily as good as anything from either The X-Files or Buffy and has a strong cast of actors playing great characters (both good guys and bad). Please would someone with some influence convince the studio to release this show on DVD (Region 2 as well as Region 1 please). It makes sense to do this soon so that fans can spread the word about Alias (i.e. get our friends to watch the season 1 DVD) in order to recruit new viewers for season 2. After all, more viewers mean more advertising revenue! Go on, release Alias on DVD and make the fans happy!

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